Chapter 11

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Emma's POV
I walked into Reginas Room as I found her sitting at the Window in all her Glory. "I'm back home.", I Replied which got her Attention. She turned around and smiled softly at me before looking back out. There wasn't even much to watch; just birds. "What is it Cutie? Aren't you feeling well?", I asked as I sat down next to her and Pulled her on my Lap, that way I could cuddle her better, knowing that she could never say no to cuddling.

"My Head is hurting Papi. And My Tummy Does.", She Replied honestly as she looked up at me from her Position. "What did you eat cutie?", I asked as I rubbed her Stomach a little while my Other Hand held her up on my Lap. "Nothing yet. Neal isn't here and I don't know how to cook anything else than Eggs and Bacon but my Head started hurting so I watched the Birds playing in the wind.", She Replied And Looked Back Outside. I loved her Honest with me. "Well then it's time that you get your Burger isn't it?", I asked and she giggled and smiled widely again. Oh I would never admit it out loud but I loved that smile. "Come on.", I Said as I went to stand up but her Grip around me just Tightened. "You want Papi to carry you downstairs huh?", I asked smirking and she nodded as she Hid her Red Blushed Cheeks At The Crop Of my Neck. "Alright.", I Replied And picked her up as I went downstairs.

"What did you do today?", I asked as I watched her Eating the Burger. It kind of wondered me why she wanted a Burger...I mean I was glad she wasn't one of those 'just salad' girls but i doubted Cora would let her have any of those, anyway, she was with me and not with her Mother. "Killian Told me you were In-Inten-Intern-Intex-", She stuttered And knot her Eyebrows together adorably. "Intersexual?", I asked smirking and she nodded. "Yup. That it was.", She Said Giggling before taking another Bite Of the Burger. "What do you think about it?", I asked as I watched her closely as she gave me a Questioning Look. "I mean do you feel uncomfortable around me now because of it.", I Explained. "No...why? I kinda noticed it before but didn't know what it was.", She asked with a little smile before eating more of the burger. "Alright. Now anyway. What do you want to do today?", I asked. "Ummmmm...Can I learn that thing? My Friends always did it and it looked cool! They wouldn't let me try it out of I didn't know how it worked Thought...", She Murmured in barely a whisper. "Alright. Well what is it?", I asked and she knitted her eyebrows again. "That thing that looks like shoes but with rolls.", She Explained Smiling. "Roller Skating? Why not. I can do it and you'd just ask me over and over again about it anyway.", I Replied with a Shrug and she wrapped her Arms around me smiling. "Thank You.", She whispered and Kissed my Cheek as we pulled away.

I held Reginas Hand as she stood on the Roller Skates for the first time. It kind of reminded me of the first steps of a Baby. She was a cutie thought. I felt kind Of bad for keeping her in the House like a Prisoner, but on the other Hand I was afraid she'd leave me. I wanted her to learn it outside in the Large Garden instead of the Garage. I wanted her to feel free and not prisoned.

I was ripped out of my Thoughts as I saw Regina slipping and thanks to my Great Reflects I caught her before she would get hurt. Instead falling at the Floor she was well saved in my Arms as I held her Up In Bridal Style. "Are you Okay?", I asked and she giggled and Nodded smiling. How could she still smile-she almost hurt herself with that. "Again!", She Said smiling all over. I really wouldn't get Smart of her.

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