Chapter 20

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Emma's POV
I looked at my Girlfriend as she took one piece of Cloth after another as she brought it all to me to hold it for her until we could try them all out. Some people don't like shopping with their Girlfriends but I actually couldn't think of anything better. To see somebody you love being happy and being shown Attention to. I love the Huge Grin On Her Face when she comes back to me from any corner of the Store, in her Hands already new Clothing Items that would look amazing on her. It made me also happy to know I could buy them all for her; I definitely had enough money and I had a feeling I also needed to buy a bigger Closet. Probably it wouldn't take long until she wanted a walk in Wardrobe. I loved Buying Things for her; the Smile On Her Lips And The Sparkle in her Eyes are the most amazing things besides her soft Lips.

"Emmmaaaaa.", She Said as she got me back to reality. "Yes?", I asked and she laughed a little. "Which one is Better?", She asked as she held two Pullovers up. Both of them Had a Swan on it, one of them was black with a White Swan and the other one was black with a Pink Swan. She was just way too cute. "I'm not sure. I like the Black and White one really much.", I Replied smirking and she giggled a little before handing it to me while bringing the Other one back. I couldn't wait to see her in all these Things. Mostly because it weren't just Pullovers and Shirts. "Come On!", She Said as She Dragged me behind her. I really had a hard Job to hold all these Clothes in my Arms and holding her Hand At The Same time. I smirked to myself as she went straight to the Lingerie section of the Shop.

I went to look for some Kind of Shopping trolley to put all the Clothes in since I knew Regina would take more of the Clothings. I didn't actually get why Girls loved shopping so much, it's so exhausting. As I came back I saw Regina charting with Another Girl as they Hugged Closely And I immediately went into their Direction. "Emma! This is Ruby! You remember?!", Regina asked with a Small Tear Running down her Cheek. Of course I remembered-Her Best Friend. "Hey! Better take good care of my little Minnie Mouse here.", She Said with a laugh and I couldn't help but let out one as well once I saw Regina's pout because of the Nickname. "I am. I promise.", I Said And kissed Regina softly as she immediately melted into the Kiss. "You guys want me to have a Girlfriend. No kissing until you get me one as well. This shopping thing is exhausting as hell anyway, but well, you need clothes. And what concerns you Em' I'm very sorry that you have to go Shopping with Gigi, she literally takes Hours and thousands of Clothes.", Ruby Said laughing and Regina just Rolled her Eyes. Nobody has ever Given me a Nickname Thought; well Regina sometimes Said Emmy But I mostly corrected her. Em' sounded Nice. "Don't worry, It's alright, I've got her with that.", I Replied And laughed as well. "You're supposed to be on my Side. And did-Yaaaay you got a trolley!", Regina Cut herself off and immediately threw more Things that she And her Friend had in their Hands into the Shopping trolley. Probably Ruby had to hold them for her as well. "Holy Shit You're Actually buying her all of that?! I want too. Where did you find her?!", Ruby asked wide eyed. I couldn't help but Smirk thought. "I'm a serial Killer and She was sold to me.", I Replied And first Ruby laughed but then it faded away. "No Shit?! Show me what I have to do to work with you!", She Said And all of us laughed but I had a feeling that she-and me actually meant it. She seemed like someone that would Do something like Killian, Neal or Lily does. Not killing but working for/with some. Regina would also like it.

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