Chapter 22

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Emma's POV
I woke up in an Empty Bed as I already heard Regina's giggles from downstairs. I slowly made my way down as I Faced Regina and Neal as they were doing pancakes. "Morning.", I greeted smiling as I watched them. "Papi!", She greeted smiling as she ran in my Direction and basically jumped into my Arms. She Wrapped her Arms around my Neck And her Legs around my Waist as I held her up by her Ass. "Clingy are we?", I asked smirking as I kissed her Nose. "Yup.", She Said grinning as she snuggled closer to me. I smirked a little as I gave her Ass a Squeeze and a delicious hot Moan escaped her Lips. "Guys...", Neal Said as he got both of our Attentions. "Right Sorry. I'll make my Way and I'll be home soon.", I informed and Regina immediately pouted. "Aww It's okay Cuteness, I'll be back Soon.", I Said And kissed her Nose again. "But Daddy.", She Said And poked her bottom Lip out as her Grip around me Tightened. Secretly I actually loved how clingy she was, I just needed to do that one Job that day to finish the Deal with Cora Mills. "No Pouting Baby. Do you want me to pick up anything on the way back?", I asked as I sat her down on the kitchen Counter. "No. But hurry Papi.", She Said And I nodded as I kissed her again before leaving. Oh I couldn't wait any longer until that stupid Deal would finally be done and I wouldn't have to fear to loose Regina anymore. And how dare her Mother just Sell her to anybody like she's worthless.

I arrived back home in the Evening and the Whole House was Silent. Killian Probably stayed at his date over Night and Neal was in his Room as I could tell by the Snores. I made my way upstairs to Regina's Empty Room; then I heard a silent giggle from the Bathroom and as I went inside I saw Regina sitting at the sink as she played with the Water and her Panda. She probably didn't want to fill the whole Bathtub-not that she exactly knew how it worked.

I smirked a little as I realized that she wasn't actually realizing that I was there. "I'm back.", I Said smirking causing her to Jump up and Drop the Panda. "Daddy!", She greeted grinning as she jumped into my Arms again. "Daddy I Wanna make Love.", She Said and I nearly Chocked on my own spit-again. "W-What?", I asked as I held her up by her Ass again. "Today Neal Said That If two Persons Love Each other's then they make Love.", She Explained with a giggle. "Y-You Love me?", I asked and she nodded chucking. "Of Course I do Silly Emmy.", She Said Giggling And kissed my Nose like I did with her all the time. "A-Are you sure?", I asked and as she nodded I went into her Bedroom and laid her down on the bed as I positioned myself above her. I also closed the door thought. We didn't need anybody interrupting us....

AN//I know I know, ya get ur smut in the next chapter 😂😏

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