Chapter 18

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Emma's POV
Then there was Her. Olivia Mills. The Woman Reginas Father has married. I didn't kill her yet since Core Mills wanted me to do it in two days, when she came back home from a business trip, it was my Job but I never thought of any consequences or what Regina would think of it. It was one thing Killing Some Other Murders, Drug Dealers, Strangers Or Hobos But She was something completely different. I wasn't sure if Regina met her already but she was her Family and I couldn't take that away; I would Loose Regina through it if she found out. On the other Hand it was my Job and if I wouldn't do it Cora would just take Regina away from me again like some Stupid Tool. I had to find another way so I went into the Office and dialed Cora Mills' Number. It wasn't too late yet so I was pretty sure that she wasn't in bed yet.

"Hello? Who's That?", Her Cold Voice Said as she picked up the Phone. I ignored it thought. "It's Emma Swan. And there is a Problem about the Deal.", I Replied. "Which?" "I cant Kill her, I don't want to.", I Explained. "Well fine. I will find someone else. I will come over tomorrow and get the Money back and my Daughter. You can keep the rest.", She Said coldly But I interrupted just as i senses she was about to hang up. Would that mean she would sell Regina to another Killer? Never. There had to be another way. "I want to make a new Deal.", I quickly said which seemly got her Attention. "Which is?", She asked and I could even see her Smirk in my Mind. "I want to Keep Regina. What do I have to do for that...I will not kill Mrs. Olsen.", I Replied. I hated myself for talking about Regina like about some stupid Toy thought...she was a Human and not a thing you can take and give to others. "Well I doubt that my Daughter would ever marry Anyone I tell her to, Anyway how is it going Yet with you two?", She asked and I told her exactly what she wanted to hear-shortly: a lie. "She's crying a little bit but Im about to cast that out. She's got several Punishments and She also is a little silent lately. I'll fix that one though. She learns quick.", I lied and felt my Heart break just at the Imagination Of that. I mean since the Beginning I hoped that she wasn't some trouble maker since I really didn't like to punish her; I loved her adorable big brown eyes that would sparkle from time to time, her Lips that were so soft, her precious giggles and chuckles and her much different moods. Again I could literally see her Smirk. "Alright anyway, Lets do like that, you can have her if, you Get me someone else out of the way.", She Said And I listened closely. God please don't let it be some other Family Members or Friends Of Regina. "Abraham Loone.", She Said shortly and I quickly agreed before she would change her Mind.

I've heard about him in the Media or In the Newspaper quite often already so I knew he wasn't actually Related to Regina. He was some rich snob and I actually didn't care why Cora would want me to kill him; probably she would get a little bit of the Money of anything like that, I couldn't care less. "Then we have a Deal. I will handle it in this week.", I agreed before both of us hung Up. I couldn't help but smile. Not because I was about to kill another Poor soul but I would be able to keep Regina through it, without hurting her. The Though Of Her came in my Mind And I quickly ran back Into her Room, Got in Bed next to her and Kissed her Cheek before I began spooning her. Fuck I fell in love with a Woman I didn't even know so long Already.

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