Chapter 12

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Reginas POV
It been another Two weeks and Emma was being away for work-again. I really missed her at that time; not to mention that I was extremely bored. I read at least half of all the books in the House already and also jumped on every bed the House had, well the ones with the rooms I was allowed to go in. I looked out of the Window and I felt like my Heart was stopping and the Air would leave my Lungs. There was him. Robin. He found me! I ran downstairs as quickly as my Feet would carry me, completely ignoring The other persons in the House.

As I arrived at the Door I basically ripped in open and ran outside. As Robin saw me he ran into my Direction as well and I literally jumped into his Arms that were wide open for me. "You found me!", I breathed out as Tears ran down my Cheeks and both of our Faces held a Loving Smile. "I will always find you Regina. I love you.", He Said as He kissed me deeply. God how much I missed that. Something was strange thought but I just pushed it at the side. "Did my Mother anything do to you? Or Roland? How are you two doing? And how are Ruby and Mal? Are they sad or mad that I'm away?", I asked without ever letting go of him. He smelled like Nature; forest actually. I liked that. Emma also smelled good; she smelled like cinnamon and a little bit of warm Cocoa. Wait why was I thinking about Emma at the moment if finally see my former Boyfriend after weeks again?! "We are alright but we miss you very very much. Your Mother told us you would've ran off but I knew it was a lie, everybody Knew. I had a hard job to stop Roland coming with me today.", He Said causing both of us to chuckle. "I wanted to run off with you Guys.", I sighed and connected our Lips again. "Don't worry I Am Here now.", He Said And as we pulled away before our Lips met in another kiss.

I had no idea how long we've been standing like that already. We never let go of Each Others and just talked about how the Things had been. He said he would get me out of there but actually...did I want that? I wasn't sure anymore and I hated myself for it. I had no idea what was going on with me. Maybe We, Robin, Roland, And me could've ran away from that Cruel Place to start our Own Family. Roland surely would like to have a little Brother. Now with being at Emma's it was different-it wasn't a prison like at my Mother's. It actually became something I call a home. Wait why did my thoughts always doze off to Emma?! Like me Roland never wanted to be the 'little' one. Even thought that had another Meaning since I've been at Emma's. It wasn't so negative anymore; more like something that showed me there were older People that would take care of me. And the. There was Emma. She also called me 'little one' a few Times but it wasn't Like when Killian or Neal Said it..:it was different. And Why was I even thinking about them; about her while being with Robin?!

"We didn't even get the Chance to say goodbye.", I whispered with new Tears running down my Cheeks. "It's alright Baby, Because Now we-", Robin was Cut Off by Emma's Loud Yelling. "Regina!"

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