Chapter 17

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Emma's POV
I wasn't sure if it was what she wanted but I kissed her back before she would even have the Chance to think about it. Her Lips were the softest ones I've ever felt and as I placed my Hands on her Cheeks she Hummed into the Kiss before both of us Pulled Away. "What was that for?", I asked as I kneeled down so I was on her Eye Level since she was still sitting at the Floor playing with some Flowers. "I like you. That's what it was for.", She Said smiling and blushing before she took another flower from the Field. I had no idea what she was doing or how she was doing it but after some Minute she looked back to me and Held her Hands out for me to take the flower Crown.

"For me?", I asked confused. Why would she do that for me; why would she like me? I've never gotten as much Attention and Love as I got from her since The Moment I met her. "Of course it's for you Daddy.", She Replied Giggling And I leaned down for her To Place the Follower Crown On my Head. "Where did you learn how to do that?", I asked as I kissed her Nose and she giggled a little. "A Friend Of Mine showed me when we were younger.", She Explained smiling.

"So are we...together?", She asked with a huge grin on her Lips as we drank Cocoa..she said it would never be the wrong time for that-maybe she was right about that. "Do you want that?", I asked smirking and she nodded quickly. "Well we are then, Princess.", I Said And she immediately wrapped her Arms around me and Kissed me. God I could definitely get used to her Kisses. I gently caressed her Cheek with my Thumb which caused her to hum into the Kiss before she leaned in further and slowly let my Tongue Enter her Mouth causing both of us to hum again. It was slow and careful, she probably didn't kiss really often yet, given how she let me take control and seemly trusted me completely with whatever I would do. I slowly sat back down with her on my Lap, never breaking the Kiss thought. I slowly trailed my Fingers over Neck before I pulled her closer to deepen the Kiss. It all was kind of passionate and I honestly never experienced something like this before. Of course I kissed much persons but she kind of let me take complete Control over her as if she would let me guide her through it all.

I watched as my Beautiful Girlfriend was playing with The Tools in the Bathtub once again. I still couldn't believe it-I've actually got her. Like as a Girlfriend. I've never thought she would feel the same Feelings as me. "Papi.", She Said as as she looked at me with her big Brown Eyes. I must have missed some things she wanted to tell me since she looked at me like that. "What is it Sweetheart?", I asked and her Lips curled into a Smile. "Can you come in again?", She asked smiling as she leaned over to the Side of the Tub, almost making the water sip out of it. "I'm sorry Princess, I need to make some calls yet so I have to stay in my Clothes but I will watch and bathe you okay?", I suggested and she gave me a puppy look before sighing and nodding. "Alright I will cuddle with you tonight, okay? Does that make this here better?", I asked as I stood up and placed a kiss on her wet Hair. "Yep.", She Replied with another smile replacing the Pout on her Lips. I pecked her Lips once again before putting some Shower Gel On My Hand And began to wash her; I liked it much; I liked to take care of her.

As I Promised Regina I snuggled up in Bed with her But different than other nights I got up again after she fell asleep. I kissed her Cheek and put the Blanket over her before leaning the Door close and went into my Office.
I knew I had done many Bad things but that didn't bother me and also didn't seem to bother Regina as long as both of us were safe, I mean it's not like I just killed innocent people. But then there was her.

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