Chapter 19

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Emma's POV
I woke up by Someone shaking me and as I opened my eyes the first thing that came into my View was Regina as she sat On Top Of me, her Hands at My Shoulders to hold herself up and to shake me awake. "What's wrong Cuteness?", I asked and she giggled at the nickname a little. "You have to get up! You said we can go to Town today!", She Said And I immediately remembered. "Sweetheart what's the Time?", I asked groaning as I sat up, her still sitting on my Lap. "It's six past seven in the morning.", She Said somehow Proudly. She usually slept long if I wasn't up already so that's probably why she felt proud. "Cutie it Opens At eleven o'clock.", I Said chuckling as I placed my Hands at her Waist to steady her as well as her Hands did. "But Daddy! We also have to go there.", She Said And Before I could reply I already felt her soft Lips pressing against Mine-probably to shut me up and stop me from arguing more. The thought made me smile a little though, and She was serious about the Boyfriend Girlfriend thing which eventually gave me some more Confidence. "Alright Baby Girl. Go get bathed and dressed, then we can have breakfast and leave, okay?", I asked and she giggled before nodding and running downstairs just to run back up with Killian dragged behind her by his Sleeve. I let out a Laugh at the View. Regina Somehow managed to get into everyone's Heart I Guess, not just mine, also Neal's and definitely Killian's. Just Lily didn't go too well with her, but I actually didn't care as long as she leaves her alone.

I went to Regina's huge Wardrobe and looked through all the Colorful Clothes I've bought her already. She was so different than me and I loved it; she likes to wear Colorful clothes and High heels, she liked Flowers, especially Roses and she loved mostly everything that had anything to do with Pandas, the color Purple, Pink or soft Toys. After some time I decided for a cute black Dress Thought. It was a little short but I knew it was one of Regina's Favorites. It had frillies At the bottom half and the Sleeves reached to her elbows. To that I took some White converse Shoes for her to Wear. She could choose the Rest Thought. Then I made my way to the other Bathroom to take a quickly shower.

"Hey. Where are you going? I thought you'd have a free day?", Killian asked as he got into my Room as well after some time, telling me that Regina was done bathing. "I have. I'm just going to the City with Regina and well, go shopping and some other things.", I Explained shrugging as I put on my Shirt. "Damn that little one Really burned herself deep into our Hearts.", He Replied chuckling and I couldn't help but chuckle as well. He was right; I was cold and empty before I met her. "Yeah, no Idea how she did that.", I Said And he let out a Laugh. "I have some Ideas about that..."

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