Chapter 9

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Regina's POV
About a week had passed and I woke up sweating and with some fresh Tears running down my Cheek uncontrollably. Robin. I needed to see him and know if he was alright. I needed to get away from there and back to him to be sure. Emma wasn't as Cruel as I thought in First Place; Actually She was really Nice but my Mother couldn't just sell me to anybody-not ever. She could've also sold me to Leopold then. I would strike just as well. From Time to Time I forget about where I am and why I am there, it's just me And Papi then; sometimes It's also Killian and Neal. I don't get to see Lily very often. It's like she avoids me without no Reason. Sometimes I just want to cuddle in Papi's arms and forget about everything but then there's Robin. Emma is also very Tall and really, really Muscular, just like him, She can also smooth me but I sometimes want Robin to be there, but Sometimes I want her. Just her. I've known her a while now already and There's nothing I love more than cuddling with her, she always says I'm a great cuddler. Robin also cuddled often with me but he always fell asleep and his small beard scratched my Cheek so I couldn't really get comfortable-Emma's skin was smooth and soft and she was, as Robin, taller than me so her Chin mostly rested on my Head while mine was at her Chest.

But for now, Most importantly, I want to know if Robin was alright. I was basically dragged away from him without even being able to say goodbye or 'I love you' for one last time. I mean my Mother always told me that i had no idea of Love, yet Robin and me always said it and i did care much about him....i also cared much about Emma. The whole Love thing is confusing as hell. I wanted to know if he and Roland were well and if my Mother did any Cruelties to them since I wasn't in her way or to entertain, or well, distract her anymore.

I looked around the Dark Room and didn't find Emma sitting next to me like I always did once I woke up. It was a little cold inside and even thought the Room was colored and had many windows, even new Stuffed animals and a larger wardrobe that Emma bought was in it, I couldn't shake off the Feeling of being in that Cold, Dark and Empty Room again. I was afraid that my Mother did anything to Robin or Roland; or to My Friends. That's why I was Crying. I had a Nightmare in which my cruel Mother told Robin anything that would hurt him; like that I wouldn't love him and left because of it. That it would be the Reason I didn't say goodbye. The Same goes for my Friends. I was afraid that they would forget me and hate me for leaving without a single word. Just like that I felt more Tears covering my Cheeks. To my Surprise I didn't want to be held by my Robin at that Moment...I wanted Emma to hold me in those strong arms of hers.

I took my Panda and quietly made my way out of the Room as I went on tip toes through the House. I knew where Emma's Room was but there was still a Problem left...It had a Red Metal Door And I knew I wasn't supposed to go inside. It was the only one of these Metal Doors Of Which I knew what was behind. Killian told me. I honestly wasn't too sure what to do. I wanted Emma to Hold me and smooth me but on the Other Hand I didn't want her to get mad at me for disturbing her or going to the Door At all.

I stood there at least five Minutes before I softly knocked on the Door. I didn't know if she heard me but I wouldn't knock again; it would just annoy her; even more. "Gina? What's wrong Cutie?", She asked as she opened the Door and looked down at me. "I-I had a Nightmare...", I mumbled and looked down at my Feet, suddenly feeling very ashamed for interrupting her. "Alright cutie. Come on.", She Replied And stepped out of the Room before closing the Door and leading me back to mine.

Just as I was snuggled between my soft toys again and expected her to leave, she took off her boots and got in besides me. "Sleep.", She Murmured Against my Flesh before taking me in her Arms Which I welcomed gladly. Cuddling with her always calmed me down and I loved the Fact that Emma was always sitting at my Bed in the morning so I could see her before she'd leave for work.

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