Chapter 6

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AN/Yeah Ik I usually just update once a day but I kinda got in the mood to update this again hahaha don't question me😂

Emma's POV
I came back from work as soon as possible, just like I promised it to Regina. To be honest, all her Little pouting and clingy side is like really adorable. I wish I could just kill that Boyfriend of hers and her Mother since well, I'm not going to lie, I want Regina to myself. It's the way I am, if I want something that someone else has, I'm going to kill that someone. I've never met anyone such as Beautiful, as Pure, as Hot or as Angelic as her and I would not want to share her with anybody. But I promised her Something; I promised her not to hurt that Robin guy. She trusted me with that and anyway, she's with me now for the Rest of her Life and he won't find her anyway, just as she said. Well technically her Mother could still get her if she changed her mind, which I doubted, since She told me to kill that Woman just in some weeks since she was at a business trip currently.

A smile crawled on my Lips as I found Regina asleep in her large Bed with the Blanket going up until her shoulders and herself hugging the Pillow a little. Maybe I would but her a soft toy, I never thought about that but She would quite like It I guessed....every girl likes it.

"Papi.", She Murmured and slightly opened her eyes, just enough to Realize my Figure standing there in the Doorway. "Hey Cutie, How was today?", I asked as sweetly as my personality would allow me. I went closer to her and sat down in the bed Besides her. "It was nice. Killian showed me the House and I met Neal and Lily.", She Explained And Rested her Head at my Thigh before her Eyes closed again, I knew she was still awake thought.

"So, I've been thinking....maybe you want some soft toy?", I asked and her eyes sprang open again. "Yes. Please.", She Said as She Locked Eyes with Mine. "Please What?", I asked smirking and raising an eyebrow. "Can you please buy me a soft toy Papi.", She repeated in the probably most innocent and cute way. "Alright cutie, Which one do you want? And is there anything else I can get you?", I asked and she knitted her Eyebrows together and looked at the wall above us before answering. "A Panda. I think that's all.....", She Replied smiling. I wondered how it was for her at her Mothers house; how her Room looked and what she had. "Alright. Then I will get you that, but I will take it away if you're a bad or naughty Girl.", I Explained And just like very often my Voice Came Out harsher than I'd have liked it. "Okay Papi.", She Murmured And played with her Fingers again. By the time I could tell that she did it when she was scared or nervous. "Hey, listen cutie you don't have to be afraid of me. If you behave I won't hurt you. And you're a Good Girl, are you?", I asked and she nodded her head but quickly corrected herself as I rose an eyebrow. "Yes Papi.", She answered instead.

"How Old is Lily?", She suddenly asked out of nowhere. "What?", I Replied, probably the confusion was written all over my Face. "How Old is She? Am I older than her? I know that I'm not older than Killian.", She Explained. Did she think she'd be old? Or did she just want to know it in general? I mean if she is just here there is indeed not much else to do. "Lily is twenty-Five, Killian and Neal are both twenty-seven, I'm twenty-five as well.", I Explained And she huffed a little under her Breath. "Why?", I asked as I looked back into her amazing Brown Eyes. "I don't want to be the's like nobody respects me then or thinks I am strong.", She Explained. To be honest I quite liked her being that small and cute....she obviously wanted to have someone younger there. "I can assure you if I tell them to respect you then you shall be their Queen.", I Said And Kissed her Nose again.

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