Chapter 4

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Emma's POV

I led her into the Large Room Which walls were painted in a Red Tone And The only one in the House, besides mine of course, that had a large Wardrobe. "We can go shopping clothes for you some time. If you behave. Until then I will do that.", I Explained smirking and she nodded again. She didn't seem too comfortable talking to me. I'd change that, she had to talk to me. I wanted to hear her voice. I liked it, it was soft and pure.

"So, I have Quite some time until I get to Work again. I want to talk to you. Will you be a good Girl so I can do that without pinning you back on the Floor?", I asked and she nodded. "Words. I don't like it if you don't use your Voice. It's Beautiful.", I Said And she nodded again before speaking. "Yes Papi.", She Said And sat down at the Bed next to be like I gestured her to do.

"Tell me about you. Everything. Don't leave a single thing out.", I demanded as I wrapped one of my Hands around her Waist and pulled her closer to me. "Um...I-My Name is Regina Mills. My Daddy had cancer as I was born so my Mother left with me but he survived and My Mother never actually let me Meet him so I did it secretly-just once. He tries to get me away from my Mother because she wanted to force me to Marry some Old Disgusting Man But Daddy would never force me into something like that because he actually cares about me. I've always wanted to run away from my Mother because of how she treated me but I ended up being locked inside of the House for almost my whole life, sometimes my Friend Ruby would sneak in at the window thought. Just like Robi-", She Quickly Cut herself off and her Eyes Widened. Maybe that was the Reason why she chose to call me Papi, her father always was some kind of nice person and rescue, maybe she thought like that about this place here as well, a rescue of her Mother.

"Robin? Who's that?", I asked and she fought back the Tears already. I could tell. "I-Uh-I-No one.", She stuttered as she went back to play with her Fingers while she was looking down at her Lap. "Tell Me. You don't want to be a Bad Girl, do you? I'd have to punish you then.", I whispered against her Cheek And then into her Ear and she immediately looked back at me. "No.....I-He-He's My Boyfriend...Ex boyfriend...I don't know-Please don't hurt him.", She begged sniffling. "Why would I hurt him, Baby Girl?", I asked as I held her chin up by my Fingers. "I-You-You're a murderer that's what you do. Kill people. Hurt them. Please don't hurt him I will do whatever you want.", She begged as She Looked At me with those big brown eyes. "Fine. I promise, now Tell me about him.", I Said as I wiped away her Tears.

Oh how much I wanted to be her Girlfriend. She was literally the definition of perfect. Cute and innocent, not snooty and not mean. Not too much Breasts but also not small, perfect for my Hands. Big brown baby eyes. Beautiful Olive Skin, Skinny Yet Not too Skinny. Amazing Ass. Her Lips were great and I bet very tasty. God how much I wanted to be the only that Ruined her Lipstick by Sucking And biting her lips until they would be swollen. I was brought back to reality by her beautiful voice thought.

"He's Great! He has a little Brother Named Roland and he's really Muscular And he's tall and so lovely... But I won't be able to see him anymore because now I'm here and he won't ever find me. I just wish we would've had had the chance to say goodbye.", She Said as a New Tear escaped her Eyes. I really had a hard Job to hold back a Grin. He would never find her...

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