Chapter 21

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Emma's POV
I looked besides me to Find Regina Sleeping already. After some More time at the Mall we went for Ice Cream And me and Ruby got to know each other's a little better. At that moment I was driving her Back home until making my way with Regina home as well. "So about that thing you said earlier....", I Murmured just loud enough for her to hear. I knew I wouldn't need to be shy around ruby since we actually already became Friends. She cared about Regina and that was all that was important to me. "Whatcha Mean?", She asked from the Backseat. "You Said You'd like to work with me..", I Replied And her Eyes widened. "Seriously?! Like are you not ducking with me?? There is a possibility for that?!", She asked and I nodded my Head as my eyes stayed at the Road. "Well all that I am saying is that I may not have any Partners what concerns actually murdering People...but I do have some People, friends of mine working with me. Like as A Cook Of The House And all that. They also get a House at the Mansion and get paid. Food is bought by Me and also everything else except any things like New Phones or something like that...on the other Hand if you're my friend I'll most likely give it to you for Christmas.", I Explained. I just realized Regina didn't actually have a Phone. Probably she also didn't need one, I mean she never complained or anything like that. "I would Love that! You need somebody mixing Drinks?", She laughed out with a little Smirk. "Maybe. I'm sure we'd find a place for you there. I also think Regina would love it and she needs someone else than Killian, a Friend Of Mine to entertain Her when I'm not in the House.", I Explained And let out a Laugh as well. "Killian...sounds hot.", She Said smirking and I couldn't help but laugh more as I pulled up in her Driveway. "He's Gay.", I Replied And she laughed as well and got out as she went to The small window on my Side. She gave me her phone as I saved my Phone Number in there before She the Placed a Kiss on Reginas Head And walked inside of the Apartment.

I picked Regina up in Bridal Style and Took all the Shopping Bags Out Of The Car as I carried them inside. I felt Regina snuggling closer to me and a smile curled on her Lips once I kissed the Top Of Her Head. "Long Day?", Killian asked as he took some of the Bags so I would be able to carry Regina better. "Yeah. But it was amazing. We met a Friend Of Hers And Maybe she'll work here soon, something with mixing drinks.", I Explained And he gave me a warm smile. "You deserve it.", He Said And turned to look at Regina Sleeping in my Arms. "And she deserves you.", He Said and Kissed Reginas Forehead before taking his Coat. "And now Ladies And Gentlemen. I have a date.", He Said and he bowed down before walking out of the House leaving me to chuckle.

I placed Regina in her bed and pulled the Covers over her before I started to put all the Bags in front of the Closet. I made a mental note to buy a new one or ask her for a Walk in Garderobe in General. Seriously this Girl needed a whole Room for these All Clothes. I kissed her Cheek and Slid under the Covers to her as I spooned her like every other Night as well as I let sleep take over me.

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