Chapter 3

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Emma's POV

"So, you're Regina Hm?", I asked as I sat down next to the Brunette who's Cheeks were wet from thick Tears running down. She looked kind of adorable. Like a Puppy. The Brunette didn't respond or look at me, she just continued staring down at her Hands as she played with her Fingers. "Look at Me.", I demanded in a way harsher Tone than I actually wanted to sound like. She immediately looked up at me and I could sense that I scared her. On the other hand, I was sure she would get used to me in some time.

"How do you want to Call me?", I Asked as I tried to begin a Conversation once again but she just shrugged with her Shoulders a little. "You wanna call me Emma? Or something Else?", I asked in my usual Quite emotionless tone. "I don't want to call you anyhow! I want to go home! I don't want to be here-with you! You're a Killer! You'll be nothing more than my Mother!", She suddenly yelled with more Tears running down her Cheeks as she began to sob a little as well. So she was afraid I'd be mean to her-I did hope she wouldn't give me a reason to be like that. Normally I'd have Hurt her for yelling at me but I could tell that there was more behind it. "Why don't you want to be here?", I Asked But she shook her head furiously. "I don't want to talk to you!", She Said as new Tears ran down her cheeks and she looked away from me as she sat there at the floor, her Arms around her Legs. She looked Really adorable but I couldn't let her Behave just like that, she needed to Learn that I have Rules as well.

"Alright Then I will talk and you will Listen.", I growled underneath my breath but loud enough for her to hear it. In one swift movement I flipped her Over so she was laying with her Stomach at the Floor while I positioned myself sitting on her Back while my Hands held her ones in Place next to her Head. "Get Off me! Leave me alone!", She demanded as she tried to kick me off but after some tries she eventually gave up since she understood that I was way taller and way heavier than her. "I have Rules here and you will follow them, won't you Sweetheart?", I Said smirking and she nodded her head a little.

"Alright. Rule number one, stop being a Little Brat.", I Said And I sensed that the word had somehow a meaning for her; probably her Mother often called her like that. "Rule Number Two, You will Listen to me and Obey me. You can call me Emma, Daddy, Papi, Master Or Sir, Of you want to call me somehow else then tell me and we can talk about that.", I Explained And immediately felt my not so little 'secret' hardening as I imagined her calling me like that. "Answer me.", I demanded in a harsh tone. "Y-Yes Papi.", She answered as she tried to free her Hands from my Grip. "Good Girl.", I Said smirking as I felt a Rush Of Excitement Running through my Body just by her Hot Voice saying that. "Rule Number Three, You will not leave this House if you don't have my Agreement. You will also just leave it with me.", I Explained And she nodded. "Then. You will not go through black or Red Metal Doors. If you do that, you will be punished by myself-badly.", I Said And she nodded a little again. "Good Girl. I will show you to your Room.", I Said as I let go of her Again.

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