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-Chapter 3-

Hello. And other new viewers. It is me, the narrator again
I will explain and talk through out the story with big bold words you see before you and now I shall start...
The so called idiot that he is, drove slightly behind Shiro and the others until they stopped at a small house-


But I'm the narrator! Its MY job to be in your story

Kai: I said get out!

HMPM I will get my revenge.. and U won't like it ONE BIT!MUUUUUHAHAHAHAH- *cough COUGH cough*...

Kai: You done?


Okay this is what I know so far.....from today was a crazy 'not a drill' and I rushed to my uncles house cuz I needed to get my hover bike and I don't want to miss the stars......Back in London, I could barely see them. Just human made lights... but anyway-
some of the recruits are kidnapping Shiro and Keith was driving.
Oh and did I say they nearly escape death by jumping off a cliff?
And now they all stopped to an worn down shack... probably taking it all in. Wonder who's shack that is... talk about a fixer upper..

I left my bike a few feet away and went on foot.
As I got closer to the shake. I avoided any windows and opens holes and creeped up the wall.

Luckily I found a the window that was slightly open. Meaning I can manage to listen in on what they were saying.  Which I did, as I sneaked my way to it.

I carefully ducked and had my head below the frame of the window. So there I stayed, quite and started to listen. Just then two sets of foot steps started to walk outside and stood on the porch. I side looked out the corner and there I noticed.. him.

Takashi Shirogane. It was really him..  but there was something off about him. His right arm was metal and a patch of his hair is white and a long scar across his nose...his handsome face, and pretty eyes, and a rock hard chest, and rippling abs, and the tightest ass, and those sculpted calves, and those bulging quads, and that perfect bod and- WHAT DA FUQ!? STOP MAKING ME SAY THOSE THINGS!!!!!

Sally: Hehe couldn't help it..

Narrator: *Sigh...*

"So what happened out there? Where were you all this time." Keith asked.

  But Shiro took a long moment to reply but he still answered. There were some things I didn't hear sounded like mumbling. But somehow my hearing started to become better.

Shiro: I was on a alien ship and I somehow managed to escape from them..

   Both Shiro and Keith headed back into the shack and Shiro kept talking about him being captured by aliens, his crew never showed up. Then an ancient cave with a blue lion and Keith being all emo and talking about him being lost AND also being drawn to this stuff called Voltron? Finding a newest location of something and wavelength and maps being connected.

I was about to leave until I conveniently snap on a twig.


Kai:......'Maybe they didn't hear that....'

"Hey did you hear something?"


Keith: I know you're there! Whoever you are come on out!

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