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Words from the author .... from her words she writes this
Wash your hands or I'm going cut them off for you ^^ Xoxo the author.., like I said again... I don't get paid enough for this... but seriously please take care of yourself .
And now for what you have been waiting on ...


     The day after Ulaz sacrifice the team began to work on the castles system.

Shiro, Lance, Hunk, Kai, Pidge and Keith were all outside of the castles chambers fixing one of its many glowing sorts of pipes.

Kai:... I thought the problem would be inside...

A few minutes before

Allura: Who in this team can do mechanics?

Kai: I-

Allura: Kai you do it

Kai: I didn't even finis-

Allura: You're the only that spoke.

Kai:... Pidge and Hunk can do it too

Hunk: Uh no way I'm still figuring out how the space goo machine works.

Pidge: And besides having both of them breathing down your neck... takes a lot of your self esteem

Kai: I don't even have that much self este-

Allura: Enough chit chat we need to finish with these repairs

Kai: We... more like me..
He mutters but Allura's keen sense of her Altean hearing caught that.

Allura: What was that?

Kai: I said "more like me!" Like hello I'm somehow fixing an alien space ship. Decoding Galran language is fine but fixing Altean tech is different.

Allura: Oh quit your complaining and let's start.

~Back to the present ~

Shiro: Zarkon could be here at any moment.

He looks at Kai as he began to twist up on the panel casing a small glowing blue pillar to ride up from the floor.

Kai: Ok the panels up.. now what?

Coran: Very simple. Just loosen the balaxums in the somopflage.

Kai: *Blink-Blink* I'm sorry the what and what?

Allura: Sorry Kai he meant the poklones on the argoclams.


Hunk: I think this finally broke him...





Lance: Don't worry about a thing Kai I gotchu!

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