『29 』

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YAAAAAAAAY season one completed!

...now there's season two...


"Keith! Lance! Is Kai there!" Allura said as the others finally arrives inside of the white lions control room. However Lance and Keith didn't reply to the Princess.


Hunk: Keith? Lance?

Lance:...h-he's here.....unconscious

Lance and Keith's eyes haven't looked at the team and instead only at Kai.

Pidge: He passed out??

Allura: Okayy wake him up then he must know where Shiro went-



"Why are you both silent, And what is that smell?!"
She walked up to the chair Kai sat and looked what who was sitting on the chair.

Allura: Kai I- !?!?!

She immediately jumps back frightened and she covers her mouth. Hunk and Pidge got a looked closer, they reacted in horror.  

   The blood came dripped out from his nose, eyes, mouth and ears. Then somehow down his head. Pidge ran outside of the lion to puke, Hunk stomach turned but he stayed silent. Coran's eyes widen. Lance worried expression as he was also silent. Allura with her hands still over her mouth and Keith's body trembled as his eyes opened in shock.

   Lance kneels down to the seat level as reaches to Kai's arm and placed two fingers on his lower wrist.


Hunk: Is he....

Lance:...he has a pulse... but it's so weak...

He looked back at Keith who still haven't looked away from the scene. Lance sighed and gets up.

Lance: Hunk help me carry him.

Hunk hesitated at first but saw the look in Lance's eyes. He nodded and agrees to get Kai out of the chair. Lifeless was his body as they carefully drag him out of the control room.

Coran: W-we should take him to the healing pods...

Everyone lets Lance and Hunk walk out with Kai first as everyone follows behind leaving only Keith to be the last one to still be inside the white lion. Still locked onto the empty, red stained chair.
Just then he noticed a small familiar dagger underneath the white lion's dashboard and as he pull it up to be the Thance's blade but activated.


While in the healing pods everyone eagerly for Coran to tell them what happened to Kai.
Kai while being inside the pod, filled in with many tubes and link with many chords attached to his pod.

Moments passed as Coran walked back to the team. Waiting eagerly for the news.

Pidge: Will..he be okay?

Coran: No physical wounds on his outer layer,

Lance: But?


Allura: Coran. WILL Kai be alright?

Coran clenched his fists and and took a deep breath.

Coran: *Long sigh*.......

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