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~Where we left off~

Shiro: Okay look, I now know for certain that Zarkon is tracking us through- *Bang*Bang* Kai what are doing?

Kai: Banging *BANG* my head on the wall because I TOLD YOU SO! *BANG*but Nooo no one listens to me!


"Okay look, I now know for certain that Zarkon is tracking us through the Black lion. We have to find a way to stop him." The leader says to the team while a certain someone felt deja vu.

Kai: 'Why do I feel like banging my head?'

Pidge: How are we going to do that?

Allura: We've never had this situation before.. two paladins battling for the same lion.

Kai: Well -unless we want that Galactic overlord to take Voltron everytime we get close to it and I have to save our hide all of the fine.

"You're right. I'll have to for a new bond with my lion... one that's stronger than his."

Shiro scratched his chin.

"Well, while you're working on that, the rest of us need to find some new Teladuv lenses. Otherwise we won't be able to travel via wormhole." Coran insist then Hunk's head pops in.

Hunk: Is that something we have to mail order?
He asked but no one answered his question.

Keith: Does anyone even make those anymore?

"I don't know. Only a few Alteans could use the teladuv ten thousand Decaphobes ago. They may not exist anymore..." Allura sighed.

Coran: *pulls his mustache* I may know where we could get some.

  He went to type something on the keyboard and soon the screen showed a rustic Arabian style market place with their picture of aliens with 4 arms.

Allura: Coran! You're not suggesting on going to one of those filthy swap moons! The last time you went there, those space pirates took you for everything you had!

Lance: Space pirates?

Kai: 'Wonder if they owned a parrot.'


Kai: 'What?! They're pirates. They must have one'

"The Unilu were traders and pirates that roamed the galaxies and dealt in black market goods. Umvy spice, By-tor water, little bottles of infinity vapor. Of course you had to bargain. No one could bargain like the Unilu.  Last time, I ended up giving away three quarters of my shipment of lango in exchange for a use pogo oscillator." Coran nearly tears up laughing.

"Father and Zaren weren't please about that." Allura laughed along.

Kai noticed Zaren was behind younger Coran smiling as well and Alfor in the back ground but his back slightly turn to the camera.

Lance: Whoaa that's Zaren?! Wow...

Kai: 'Don't get any ideas...'

Lance: Anyhow, while Coran's picking up his lenses, I'll take you shopping for something sparkly

"This isn't shopping!" Coran jumps in between of them and scolds Lance.

Coran: You're not wandering around saying:" Oh what a lovely pink hat! This is so becoming!" [ puts us arms as an X ]. No! I cannot allow Allura to get anywhere near those filthy, lowballing Unilu hoodlums!!!

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