『28』Part two:))

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Ok kids! time for our serious face .........

Ok kids!  time for our serious face

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.........yes serious face....
And on to the chapter


Inside Zarkons mega mech the Galra emperor chuckles. With a wrathful grimace Zarkon speaks up to his nephew.

"Hello Kai."

Right inside the white lion Kai tightens his controls, slowly and painfully grunts his body upward. Staring right at the tyrant of an uncle that's coming towards Voltron.

"Listen to me!" Suddenly the princess's voice spoke up through the intercom, getting everyone's inside of Voltron attention.

"You are true paladins now. Connect with your lions, reach out to each other!" Kai tried to ignore his heavy beating heart and calmly focused. It all goes down to him. He is the white paladin. The power source of Voltron's life energy. Without it, they're doomed and Zarkon will prevail. But he isn't the only one that feels this way. His friends too. Feeling weak and powerless.

"FIGHT! This cannot end now!" The fact that Allura still believes in the hands of the paladins. Her determination to end it all made everyone have this energy serge. After her speech, the castle fired up a laser beam and right directly at Zarkon. It hits him so hard it pushes him back to the side of his mega ship.

Yet deep down Kai knew Zarkon won't go down easily. He noticed the continued beam was getting angled back to the castle from Zarkon's shield. Right before anyone could react, the beam touched the castle and created an massive explosion. Causing the castle to go into sparks and only static in the coms.


Oh no..Coran.....

     Shiro yelled out with horror. The rest looked back in fear and especially Kai who's suppose to protect Allura at all times.

Shiro: Allura..Coran..

      Oh well at least just him!

Kai: Princess..... 'Dammit White..what will you need for you to respond?.. my life source....dammit..!'

All of those memories he had with her began to pop into his mind. He clenched even harder on to his handles and looks where Zarkon is at. Something deep down made his calm his emotions. Rage isn't the answer to solve this.... He lets go of the controls and took a deep breath...and then out.

'We didn't left things on good terms Al....but I'm keeping that promise I said before. I will come back in one piece..'

Shiro and the rest of the team heard Kai's stern but calm voice through the comms.

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