『28』Part one:)

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THAT is a little treat for the readers.
Yes I drew this and yes my art style changed a few months back- and yes.... This is Kai... and I kept looking at this for sooo long..but  don't get me wrong....I absolutely love this......it's just that Kai kinda looks like a hot woman.....maybe it's because I binge watch a lot of drag queen shows-especially on Netflix.. either way you're welcome...

Speaking of you're welcome (*nudge- nudge*wink -wink* )

   I have one more treat for you all.. I would appreciate if you guys can show other readers around- if you could and more viewers and voters show up, I will put an -interesting- side story- (Drawn) and I can post it on the next chapter UwU
So keep voting/commenting/and share this story to the future victims-I mean readers ;)

You're comments are the reason why I keep continuing- so..keep commenting!p

Now off the the chapter!

Finally with everyone together they can begin to put Zarkon down. The paladins on the other hand took a little break to gain their strengths for the final battle.

Kai went somewhere in the castle, Pidge helped with the completion of the Teleduv along side Coran, Slav, and the Olkari. Hunk is doing who knows what, Allura is getting ready for her speech. And Lance? We don't need to know.

Back inside the training room was Keith, still battling drones one by one. However the doors opens up and Keith stood there a little surprise.

"Shiro?" Keith looks to the leader of the team going into the room.

Shiro: Hey.

Keith: What are you doing here?

Shiro: Mostly telling you we're about to start and clearing my thoughts...you?

Keith: Clearing my thoughts too..

Shiro slumped his head on the wall side and sits down. Keith stops the program then puts back his bayard and walks closer to Shiro.

Keith: What's going on with you and Kai? You've both been out of it.

Shiro sighed deeply as he Keith sits next to him.

Shiro:.. I've done something that I shouldn't have done. I'm not sure Kai could ever forgive me...

Keith: What is it?

"It's..something I did to him...I was just out of it and.." Shiro paused but didn't know what else to say.

"Did you guys fight?" Keith asked

Shiro:.. Yeah..it happened during the search of the Blade of Mamora base..

Just then Shiro hangs his head low. His expression grew into sadness and clenched his hands.

Shiro: I'm suppose to be the role model here....I really screwed this one up.....

Keith wanted to help but he didn't know what to do but try to comfort him,

Keith: I know you two can figure out, you've done it before.

Shiro: Yea.. but this is completely my fault...

Keith: I'm..not good with apologizes but...talk to him tell him what you actually feel.

Shiro: I tried..but he keeps avoiding me..

He silently gets up and walks to the door.

Shiro: We have to go now..

"What Kai said earlier..about the Galra." Keith spoke up.

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