
474 19 4

.Downhill warning.


~ Next morning~

'dammit....' Kai painfully open his eyes and quietly groans. He realizes he wasn't on his bed but Shiro's instead. Kai stares at the sleeping rapist who's facing the other side and decided to leave quickly.

Kai: *Tries to leave the bed*

Shiro: *Slowly wakes up*

He faces away from him and pretends to fall asleep.

   As Shiro opens his eyes and looks at his side. He lifted his upper body and leans in toward Kai. He carefully moves Kai's hair behind his ear and stares at him.

Shiro:..... I know you're awake.

Kai:...*closes his eyes still*.....Zzzzzzz

Shiro: *poke*

Kai: Zzzzzzz

Shiro: *poke* poke*poke*


Shiro: *poke* poke*poke*poke* poke*poke*-


Kai slaps Shiro's hand away from him and gets up.

"Quit it..." Kai's attitude towards him changed dramatically.

Shiro: Whats's gotten into you-


He shot back as Shiro was left being stunned.
It was the first time Kai ever raised his voice to Shiro. Kai calms down and looks away.

Kai: I begged you to stop....

Shiro:.... I'm so sorry...


Shiro: at least say something


Shiro: KAI-

Kai: stop it..

Shiro: Was it.. that bad?

Kai: i..we can't be together....

Shiro: Whats going on?

He reaches out to comfort Kai but he pulls back. Kai's body began to shake uncontrollably. He began to remember flashed of his life before, before ever meeting his uncle. A terrible dark past. However he couldn't bring it up, it's too much for him even discuss it.

Kai:.. not like this.. I'm sorry....there are things I'm trying to understand about myself, it's too much, we're going too fast-besides we're in a middle of a battle and I-

"Good morning everyone! Hope you slept well! We'll be arriving to the base within a few doboshes. Everyone head into the control room too!" The voice of Coran rang out from the speakers. A long silence fell between the two males.

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