『24』part one

437 15 1

Location: Castle's Kitchen

Military time: 0500[5am]

"Ah it seems that the white paladin is awake before everyone else." Coran waltz into the kitchen seeing Kai in the process of making something.

Kai: oh well I wanted to list the thing I have from the mall  before I cook.

Coran: Wait! What did I say about buying anything?!

Kai: Don't worry these are groceries- nothing, sparkly or dazzling.*fingers crossed*

Coran: Groceries?

Kai: ...food

Coran: SERIOUSLY! we have those.

Kai: Yeah but I want something that's a taste of home. How long until the base?

Coran: One quintet ( one day)

Kai: Perfect-* stretches hands*

Coran: I'll be in the pod room if you catch anything on fire.

Kai: Psh like that will happen.

Coran leaves and Kai went back to looking at his recipe.

Kai: yeast- flour-cinnamon -vanilla extract-brown sugar..... wished there was eggs-  oh and I need milk I'll just get it from Lance's cow later for the toppings... and I have all day.

1 hour later

Kai: 2cups of warm milk and there you go into the bowl.. 1/2 of sugar...1/2 of melted unsalted butter- man that shop owner had butter but not eggs?

Why are you telling us this recipe?

Kai: Why not maybe the viewers reading this could also make this sweet babies- link down in the bottom of the chapter ;)

He began slowly mix the mixture so the sugar can dissolve and melted butter can mix well with the milk.

Kai: And now a two 1/4 of active dry yeast- sprinkle that all over the mixture and mix again so the yeast can be hydrated with the liquid mixture. Then leave this off for 10 minutes in a warmer place... I guess I have to put up the heater on..

I'm pretty sure the viewers don't know and I will ask for them, Why do you have to put on the heater?

Kai: Good question. You see for the yeast to be *activated* they need to be in a warmer place to bloom, a colder place will be slow down the time to bloom- understand? Besides I'm not a patient man, last time I made croissants I wanted to buy them in a bakery because how long it takes to make them.

[10 minutes later]

Just then Kai began to air out his collar and sweats began to form.
Kai: Jeez is it me or it's getting hotter?

You wanted to heater on

Kai: yeah but not THIS hot- you know what I'm too lazy to fix it right now so I'm going to take my hoodie off.

He pulls up his hoodie traveling his expose alot of scars all over his torso. Then placed the apron back on.

Hey Kai tell us how you got those scars

Kai: Fell down into a pit of cactus.

...we both know that's a lie

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