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-Chapter 6-

Good day to the fellow crowds here today. We will see and read more of our characters new problems and personalities

We shall begin... in the castle of lions

Shiro: Great job training guys!

"Yea I think we're really starting to get the hang of this Voltron thing." Kai smiled as he took off his helmet and they all walked into the dining room.

Lance: Hey! Did you see that kick I did on that enemy ship? Ha! I sent it flying back into the cosmos-

Keith: Yeah, that's totally going to be handy if the Galrans challenged us to a soccer match.

"When did you start to care?! Besides that falling part was Hunks fault." Lance's points to Hunk.

Hunk: Hey!

Shiro: Alright save your energy for fighting Zarkon.

He sighed as he sat down on his chair. Just then the doors open seeing Coran and Yui but Coran came in with some covered dish he's holding out.

Yui went to Kais side, wagging its tail in excitement.

Kai: Sleep well Yui?

He kneeled down so pet his deer fox... until Coran started talking again.

Coran: How was the Voltron work out guys?

Shiro: We're getting there. Have you and Allura fixed the castle so that we can get out of here?

Kai: Yea... I feel like we're sitting ducks right now.

Coran: Emm just about. In the meantime while you're worried about those duck seats, I've prepared an ancient authentic paladin lunch.

Kai: Paladin lunch?

    Their eyes stared at the dish Coran revealed to them, however looked in disgust from the sight and the smell. Everyone including Kai all slightly backed away from the mysterious green thing with holes and a huge yellow worm.

Hunk: Coran, you just got me hooked to that goo and now you're switching things up?

Coran: Well, this is packed with nutrients!

Hunk: Ugh and that smell is disgusting-

Coran: I know, that's how you know it's healthy.

Kai: Coran, we're on a planet full of fresh herbs.- You know what I'm going to go to the kitchen, HUNK! Do you cook?

Hunk: Uh yes?

"Good. Now follow me to the kitchen." Kai says as Hunk's eyes lit up.

Hunk: yes sir!

"Come on Yui. I want you to try my cooking." Kai said as Yui hopped on Kai's shoulder and the trio headed off to the kitchen. Shiro looked around and looked back at Coran.

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