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-Chapter 9-
The awesome Lance and his fellow warriors!


From days of long ago, from uncharted regions from the universe comes a legend.... the legend of LANCE, THE DEFENDER OF THE UNIVERSE! Amighty warrior loved by good(and the ladies). Feared by evil. As Lance's legend grew, peace settled across the galaxy. Parties were held, and many good times were had. Friends contacted other friends and ask. "Hey, have you met Lance? He's AWSOME!" But planet Krell was hungry because it was about to get served a Lance knuckle sandwich with a side of slap sauce. Lance had arrived to save the fair Princess Malocoti and return the most valuable treasure in the history. Of like.EVER! Yes brave Lance-

Shiro: Lance?

From the distance he thought he heard a call. Was it trouble? he laughed at trouble. HA HA HA-

Shiro: LANCE!

"Sorry what?" Lance snaps back to reality.

Shiro: Are you joining us to find the Princess?

Lance smiled benevolently down on his trusty side kicks. He taught them everything they knew. He still knew WAY more of course. But still, they weren't too bad.

   There's Shiro, his right hand man. The muscle. Maybe a little serious but a trustworthy companion nonetheless. Hunk, the lovable oaf. Quick with a hug and a snack. Good with a wrench and a song. Pidge, the elfin genius. To be honest Lance understood little of what she said but it seemed to be generally helpful in some mathematical way. Kai the complainer. But a skillful ally to have around. He sure does have a strange relationship with Shiro. And Keith the other one.

Keith: Can we get going?

Pidge: I think we should also contact Princess Allura and tell her what happened to Coran.

Keith: Yeah, we might be a little late getting back.

Shiro: I hate to worry her, but I guess you're right.

Far off in space, a different fair Princess waited for Lances return. Princess Allura has fallen ill during the battle that Lance and his team of paladins had fought against Zarkon, the foul overload of the Galra Empire who had slain Allura's father and thrown the universe into ten thousand years of chaos. But that was before lance discovered the blue lion of Voltron and led his followers on their intergalactic adventures. Since then Lance had vowed to defeat Zarkon one restore peace to all space fold. But it wasn't easy, he had already saved Princess Allura from cryogenic freezing and a robotic beast. She was now confined to bed rest but Lance supposed that Princesses were generally helpless by nature, probably from their constant lovesick was for you know who...

Meanwhile with Allura

A woman sitting on a futuristic wheel chair starts to laugh as the mice and the little fox pushed her through out the hallways, main center. You could tell she was having fun as her hair was flowing into the air and a smile across her face. The animals pushed her rapidly into the control room then caused her to spin uncontrollably. It finally stopped but Allura became dizzy. Just then the main screen flashed right In front of Allura showing to be the faces of Shiro and the other five paladins.

Shiro: Allura?

Allura: Ah!?

Kai: Are you okay?

Allura: I'm fine

Kai: I meant Yui but that's good

Allura: I'm still fine..

Lance: Yeah, you are.

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