Daughter of The Seas

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Pairing: Azriel x reader
Gender: female
Warning: none
Note: first ACOTR chapter ever. Well, for this book at least. It's also a crossover! You're also fourteen.
Requested by: no one

                                               A Fae fisherman male carried a young girl through the halls of the Night Court, to the High Lord of the Night Court. He panted hard then stopped when he finally made it to him.

                                                "Who is she?" Rhysand demanded, sitting upright from his throne. "I-I found her drifting down the river," the Fae male explained, he gently placed the girl down on the ground, her head resting on his lap. "I didn't know what to do. My only thought was to bring her to you and see what you decided, my lord."

                                                 Rhysand leaned back into his throne, he glanced at Feyre then back at the unconscious girl. She had some sort of weapon glued to her hand, a small tiara like on her head.

                                                "I'll take her."

                                                 Feyre opened the door to another guest room, allowing her mate to walk in while carrying the girl in his arms. Feyre moved to the bed, pulling the covers back so Rhysand can tuck the girl in.

                                                 Feyre managed to pry the girl's fingers from her weapon and propped it against the wall next to her as Rhysand examined her in fascination.

                                                 The girl's suit was tough and tight, yet it was comfortable enough for her to move easily. She had a wound on her side and a bump on her forehead meaning either she had rammed into something hard or someone hit her with something hard.

                                               "I'll contact Madja," Feyre quietly told Rhysand, leaving her mate alone.

                                                "Who are you?" Rhysand murmured to himself, fingers gently running through her hair. "What are you?" It was obvious to Rhysand that this girl was no ordinary human girl.

                                                 As soon as Madja, the healer Rhysand preferred, arrived. Rhysand left the room, allowing the healer to do her thing. Outside the room, he met Azriel and Cassian.

                                                  "A fisherman found her drifting down the river," Rhys started to explain. "So far, I have no clue as to what she is. She's not human or Fae, that I am certain about."

                                                    "And you are correct about that," Madja said, appearing. "What do you mean?" Cassian asked. "This girl. She's no human. She looks human, she appears to be human, but she is not nor is she a Fae." said Madja. "I do not know what she is. It is best that you ask her yourself once she awakes."

                                                   When Rhysand, Cassian, and Azriel entered, Feyre was sitting by the girl's side. As soon as Azriel saw the girl, he went frigid. Rhysand immediately shot a look at his Spymaster in worry.

                                                  "Madja told me she wasn't human or Fae," Feyre told Rhysand. "That doesn't tell us what she is," Cassian grumbled. "No, it doesn't," Rhysand agreed. "Az, what your take in this?" The Spymaster blinked several times before answering,

                                                     "I know her."

                                                       Rhysand's brows shot up.

                                                        "You know her?" Rhysand repeated. "I'd see her in my dreams. Sometimes she'd be training with that-" Azriel nodded at the weapon propped against the wall. "Or using some sort of magic. Sometimes she'd be with her parents, ruling over a great kingdom."

                                                          "A kingdom?" Feyre shot down the bond. "Whoever she is, she must be important enough for Az to know who she is." Rhys told Feyre.

                                                           As the Fae spoke amongst themselves, they never saw a hand moving for the weapon. The girl quickly moved, and she was out the door in less than a minute with Azriel hot on her heels.

                                                           Mor barely had any time to move out of the way before the girl ran into Mor with Az still chasing after her.

                                                          "Don't let her escape!" Was only Rhys' order.

                                                           The girl jumped through the window, crashing through the glass. She fell free through the air, ducking and rolling once she hit the ground and bursting in a full run.

                                                           And she ran towards Velaris. People moved out of the way as an unknown girl ran past them, the ice of winter had gotten in the way yet she didn't dare stop, she didn't dare slow down.

                                                          She took one moment to stop, spin, and throw her beloved trident at one of her pursuers. Azriel easily dodged it, but didn't expect for it to come flying back. He barely dodged it before it return back to the girl's hand as she ran.

                                                           Azriel realized she was heading towards the freezing water. She got close, was ready to dive right in, but Az managed to swoop in and grab her before she could.

                                                         She put up quite a fight. He almost dropped her in mid-air, he had to Winnow her back to the town house. He managed to pin her wrists behind her back, forcing her to look at his High Lord.

                                                        "Now," Rhysand calmly said. "You have two choices, we can do this the easy way or the hard way."

                                                        Rhysand already knew what the girl was to Azriel. He had the same dreams when he learned Feyre was his mate.

                                                        "Why does it matter to you," she spat. "It matters because you are an unknown species and we do not know if we can trust your kind," Rhys snapped back.

                                                           She's stubborn, very stubborn, and very loyal to whomever she's trying to protect.

                                                            But she did give one important information.

                                                            "My name is Y/n Curry, Princess of Atlantis. And believe me when I say this, my father will bring you hell."

Yes! There will be a second part to this! Probably not tomorrow(maybe, can't promise it though). Thanks for reading! Signing off for now, CT.

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