Pregnancy pt 3

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• Ria

• you and Rhysand named your daughter Ria

• she had Rhysand's hair and eyes while she had your nose, lips, and eye shape

• and wings! 

• itty, bitty little wings! 

• Rhysand LOVES it

• it brings back so many memories of him when he was young

• it also makes him sad because it reminded him of his mother too

• but today it's a happy day! 


• you came up with the name and Azriel went with it

• Atticus

• you weren't really sure why, but Atticus already has a shadow looming over him

• Azriel told you that it wasn't one of his so it must be one of Atticus'

• you got worried

• Azriel assured you that he'll be fine

• oh, that's right

• your mate is a Shadowsinger


• "Identical twins? How?" 

• that was the very first question he asked

• not, "What should we name them?" 

• you rolled your eyes and named your sons without him

• Carius and Aurelius

• Cassian pouts when he discovered that you named them without him

• "Well, maybe you should have accepted we had twins!"


• Helia

• Helion proudly named her before you could even suggest a name

• "Darling, I love you, but it has to be Helia." 

• "Don't I have a say in this? I gave birth to the child!" 

• in the end, you gave in

• although you weren't happy about it, Helion was

• he's practically dancing in glee

• wait........ doesn't that mean Helia is Lucien's half-sister.........?


• he stared at the bundle in your arms

• his son

• in your arms

• it feels like a dream

• "Do you want to hold him?" 

• Kallias blinked

• he had to make sure he wasn't imagining things

• "I-uh-yes. Yes, I would, snowflake." 

• you carefully handed the bundle over to Kallias

• "Hello, Karus. I'm your daddy." 


• no, you did not die

• you fell into a short coma that freaked Lucien out

• while you were in the coma

• Lucien recklessly named your daughter Lucra

• he thought you were going to hate it

• he was surprised to hear that you love it!

• "I thought you were going to hate the name." 

• "Hate it? Why would I?" 

• "I don't know, something made me think like that." 

• "Lucien, don't ever think like that." 

• "I'll try not to." 

I wanna add Tarquin, I completely forgot he existed in the first part. 

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