Memory Lake

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Pairing: Cassian x reader
Gender: female
Warning: ........
Note: N/A
Requested by: no one

                                                Cassian folded his wings back, he looked around his surroundings then started to walk towards a pool. A lake, really. Despite it being winter in the Night Court the lake was still in its liquid form because of a special spell someone dear to him cast many, many years ago. 

                                                Cassian peered into the lake, it immediately lit up and swirled around with shapes and colors then it finally stopped revealing two young Illyrian children. It was a boy and a girl, the boy held the girl's hand as they ran together. 

                                                 "Cassian, slow down!" The girl laughs, trying to stop the eager boy. 

                                                 "I can't slow down! How can I? I get to spend time with you, Y/n!"  Cassian replied, finally slowing down. 

                                                   "Yeah, but I can't stay away for long," Y/n sadly said, "You know how much my father hates it when I spend time with you." 

                                                     Cassian squeezed her hand, knowing exactly what she was talking about. He was a bastard and she was not, they were not supposed to be anywhere near each other, yet here they are. 

                                                      "We'll make it quick, okay? Just a quick memory and we'll be back before they know it." Cassian told her. 

                                                      "If you say so." Y/n worriedly said. 

                                                       The two opened up their wings and took off flying together. 

                                                        That was many, many, many years ago. Almost five centuries ago. Another memory started up, and Cassian hated this memory. 

                                                        "Cassian," Y/n started, "I'm sorry." 

                                                          Y/n, now eighteen, stood in front of eighteen-year-old Cassian, almost at the brink of tears. 

                                                         "You promised," Cassian murmured to her, "You promised me that I'd be your husband. Not that bastard." 

                                                          "I'm sorry," Y/n repeated, now crying, "I am so sorry. My father knew how much you cared about me and decided enough was enough and forced me to wed. I always planned to run with you, and now I cannot because of him. I am so sorry." 

                                                           He could hear it. The begging, the screaming, and crying as her newly wedded husband took her first by force. He was bound by law, he couldn't do anything to save her, to free her. 

                                                            By the time Rhys had come to power, she had already given birth to four children. She and her family were torn apart during the Great War. Now, he didn't know where her body lies, he didn't even know where his own mother's body was buried either. 

                                                            Cassian pulled away from the lake. Tears brimming the corners of his eyes. With his wings out, Cassian took off with one thought in his mind. 

                                                             I should have married you sooner. 


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