Meet The Parents

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Pairing: Rowan Whitethorn x reader
Warning: none
Note: so, I wanted to do a part two to Cutie so enjoy. Say that five times fast.
Requested by: no one

                                               Rowan leaned against his car, he spotted Y/n running over to him. He caught her in his arms, lifting her off the ground. She buried her face into his neck, breathing in his pine scent.

                                               "You ready to leave?" Rowan murmured softly in her ear.

                                                She nodded, Rowan placed her back down on the ground. Rowan opened the door for Y/n, he shut it once she got in and got in the driver's seat starting the car up and left the school parking lot.

                                                "My parents want to meet you."

                                                  Rowan stopped at a red light, he turned to face Y/n.

                                                 "They want to meet me?"

                                                 "Is that a.......problem?"

                                                 "They want to meet me." He repeated.

                                                  "Is that......a problem...?"

                                                  "No! No, of course not. It's just........nerve wrecking."

                                                   Y/n stared at Rowan, blinking several times then bursts out laughing.

                                                  "Rowan Whitethorn, afraid of meeting his girlfriend's parents!" She giggles.

                                                  "It's scary, alright?!" Rowan protested.

                                                    Y/n took his hand and squeezed.

                                                    "Relax, okay? There's nothing to be worried about."

~time skip~

                                                      Rowan tugged on his collar and checked the cuffs on his wrists. In one hand he had a bouquet of flowers and the other is raised to knock on the door.

                                                       The door opened revealing Y/n. She gave him a broad smile and welcomed him in.

                                                        "So," her father started, examining Rowan up and down, "This is your boyfriend."

                                                         Y/n's father stood close to 6'6 with large, broad shoulders, muscled arms, and scars running up and down said arms and hands.

                                                        "Yes." Y/n softly said, taking Rowan's hand and squeezing it.

                                                         The house was small, very small compared to the one Rowan lived in. He wouldn't even call it a house, it's only one large room with a small bed in the corner big enough to fit two people, a small desk and chair in another corner, a very small kitchen on the other side, and a small bathroom.

                                                         "Dad, don't scare him," Y/n sighs, "Please?"

                                                          "As long as he makes you happy and keeps you safe, that's all the matters to me."

                                                          "Where exactly is it that you're taking me?" Rowan shortly asked as Y/n drove Rowan's car.

                                                          "To see my mom," Y/n replied, "And no, my parents aren't divorced."

                                                            Rowan got the message and didn't push her to tell.

                                                            Y/n parked the car and got out, Rowan got out too and followed Y/n inside the cemetery. She stopped at a small headstone with nothing carved into it except for one thing.

                                                            Her mother's name and date of birth and death.

                                                           They stayed there for a good hour, Rowan didn't mind. In fact, he spoke about how important and special Y/n is to him, and he came to realize something. Y/n lost her mother at a very young age leaving only her and her father completely alone.

                                                           "I love your daughter very much. I won't leave her in any shape or form, I promise."


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