Chapter 23: Genius.

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Lulu's POV
I was on my way to reception, hopping beside Sky, who was now in her ghostly form.
"I regret this now, Lulu," she hissed, "It's 11 at night. What if reception isnt open?"
"I'm scared too, Sky. But, Gumball would've came back by now. Come on!"
Suddenly, Sky stopped me, "What's our excuse?"
I bit my lip, staring down at my striped socks. I was confused. An excuse? Cuts? Hmm.
"A wild murderer?" I asked.
Sky shook her head, "Nah. We'd be interrogated. Hm, maybe a cat?"
I laughed, and put on a sarcastic tone, "Yeah, right! Like they'd believe one tiny kitty cat attacked all three of us!"
I tried to dodge her, but Sky grabbed my shoulders, "No, it's a genius plan! Trust me! Please stop- listen!"
Ugh. I stopped, and turned to Sky, "I'm all ears."
"Come to the toilet!" She said, charging for the toilet door. I chased after her.

Sky nodded, "Alright. Think about it. We were taking squad pictures on the balcony!"
I stopped her immediately, "We don't have proof."
Sky smirked, "When we first came to Royale High, we took millions of pictures, right?"
My jaw dropped. She was so right!
"Omg! We could use those photos! Yes! But- wait. Tell me more about the plan."
"So we say that we saw a cat, and Gumball is a big fan of cats isn't she?! We say that Gum went to stroke the cat when it scratched her cheek!"
"What about me and you?"
"Say that you were sitting beside Gumball, about to stroke the cat when it scratched you one millisecond after her. "
"Sounds great. And you?"
"I whacked my hip into a door, running because I was going to get a teacher!"
I smiled, "It's a genius plan, not gonna lie."
"I know," Sky vainly said, "Come on!"

An hour later
The teachers believed us. They bought our story. We saw Gumball, who jumped up the second she saw us. Sky had been advised to rest when need be, but to also do some exercising. Gumball couldn't move her jaw, but her cheek was plastered up with bandaids. As for me, my leg was in a cast and I had to take my time. We were told to rest for a few days, but attend classes if we were well enough to.

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