Intro + Prologue

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It seems not to start with Cher but it will as the story goes on. Enjoy!!!

In the beggining there was nothing, only God and his 4 daughters. Nova, the oldest who had big aspirations and wanted to make her father proud. She was not sure of what to do so she exploted in rage creating galaxies and planets. Stella the middle one, admired what her big sister had accomplished. She was the happiest of them all and decided to brighten her day by creating the biggest ball of light in existance, the sun. Luna, the little one was happy for her sisters but thought there was a little to much light around. This one was the smallest but was very wise so she created countless of stars spread across the galaxy and the moon named after her so she could see it all, now a balance was made. Mal, who was not the oldest but not the smallest saw all her sisters had created and the proud look their father gave them. Mal didn't have that potential so she grew jealous and apart from the others, becoming a dark creature.

God was very proud of them so he suggested that they created something more together that they could built on their own. That said, they made a majestic world filled with supernatural, mythical and magical creatures of all kinds called Magix. Along with that, God helped them by creating a creature in his own imagine. Everyone living by there own rules, as long as they were not mixed up with each other, all was at peace. Years passed and Mals jealousy grew, she thought is was unnatural for all to live in one place so she placed that idea to human kind.

At the time, a dragon and a fairy of fire met and fell in love. It was forbidden for them to get mixed up but in result of that love the first fairy hibrid was born, part fairy and part beast. Mal and the humans saw them with hatred so Mal got the humans to hunt them down. God saw this and decided to create a place so the humans could live in their own world, thus creating earth for them. Erasing all knowledge of magic in them. Little did Mal know, that baby hibrid fairy would grow up to become her exiler.

Warleen, the only fire fairy hibrid in existance grew up to become what she was destined by name. A fierceless warrior trained and raised by her dragon father Draco alone. Mal despised her, as she saw Warleen grow, her anger grew more and with her the darkness was born. One day, the magical world had gone dark and Warleen lead the first war against Mal followed by an army of warriors of all the element fairies. Mal was defeated but the darkness managed to escape. The Goddesses Nova, Stella and Luna came down to Magix to congratulate the young warrior who deafeated their sister. As a thank you for bringing peace to the land, they made Warleen one of the their own. She promised to make them proud of that honor by training even harder than she had ever trained before. That she did and soon enough she became the Goddess of War.

70 billion years since Magix was created. Years after Mals demise, earth was is the early 1700s.

Warleen was called for war, the darkness had returned to get revenge along with his son and an army of shadows. The war began, they all charged against each other. Warleen and Draco fought side by side, they had the advantage. Warleen was fighting the darkness but as soon as they attacked each other, something happened. She fell from the air and disappeared without trace.

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