Chapter 17

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5 minutes passed and Grace and Louisa were still crying for their mother. She was still not responding, covered in burns all over her body, bleeding and the wound seemed to be big. The girls were desperate without knowing what to do. Out of nowhere Meryl gasped and opened her eyes. She tried to sit up but when she felt a burning pain in her lower abdomen went back down. The girls looked at Meryl in shock, not believing she was alive.

"Ugh that... bastard" Meryl groaned

"Oh my God mom!!!" Grace exclaimed kneeled beside her

"Girls, I'm so sorry. About not telling you. what I was" she weakly said

"We thought you were dead, you're suppose to be, I mean, that knife went into you really hard. That guy really wanted to kill you" Louisa said in tears

"Malek is a fool, he is not my brother anymore. Babies I'm so sorry I scared you" Meryl whispered caressing Louisa's face then reaching for Grace's hand

"Where are we? Mom you are hurt and we didn't know what to do, we still don't" Grace asked

"We are someplace witches can't be for long and where I hope there is long distance phone coverage. Lou, give me your phone, I left mine at home." she told her, Louisa did as she was told and Meryl dialed the number.

"Hey it's me, Is she home?... good, I need to pop in your living room. When I say pop, I really mean that and I'm not alone. It's an emergency. You'll see when I get there is a minute. Bye" Meryl said panting and hung up

"Who was that?" Louisa asked

"You'll see, hold on to me tight" Meryl pressed on her wound, Louisa held Meryl's shoulders and Grace grabbed her mother's free hand. They quickly disappeared.

They reappeared in the middle of Cher's living room where Pauly, Chaz, Georgia and Georganne were. The expression on their faces was shock

"Oh God Meryl" Georganne said and her and Chaz quickly ran to help

"Grace? Louisa?" Georgia said on seeing the girls.

"We don't have a clue what's going on" Louisa said

"Can we focus on one thing at a time please" Meryl grunted in pain

"Go get Cher, she's in the gym with Elijah" Georgia said to Pauly so she did as told. Georganne and Chaz carefully helped Meryl get up. Meryl leaned onto them and got on the couch. She lied on it but groaned in pain of the injury.

"Cher?" The girls asked

"I'm here, what the hell happened?" Cher said coming into the room, Elijah following, and sitting by Meryl's side.

"Malek... killed me, the idiot doesn't know I take a resurrection brew every day. That helps me come back to life. Sadly it only works once after my last reincarnation if I die again so, not anymore" Meryl said in the middle of her agony

"Hold still, it's gonna sting" Cher demanded, she put her hands on top of Meryl's wound and a light came out. Grace Louisa were amazed by Cher's power. 

"You're like mom?" Grace asked

"Sweetheart I am nothing like your mom, witches are too gullible... All done" Cher said taking her hand off Meryl, the wound had perfectly healed.

Meryl sat up and fixed her stained shirt "I am not gullible. Your one to talk, fairies are always full of themselves. You should be grateful after today you know"

"And that girls is why fairies and witches don't get along" Elijah intervened chuckling

"Ok first of all, you know I am not a normal fairy. Second, what exactly happened that got you killed?" Cher said

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