Chapter 20

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Anything can happen, you just have to read to find out ;) Longest chapter yet. Enjoy!!!

It felt like forever but her shock lasted a couple of minutes. "What do you say Warleen? Will you marry me?" He repeated.

Her head was telling her one thing but her heart was telling her another. She chose to follow her heart, she turned completely to look at him in the eyes. "Finny I love you, I would love to marry you-"

"But" he finished

She smiled loving that he knew her so well "But I can't marry you, I have a job to do here and I know that the Goddess of War is who I am destined to be but destiny can change. I'm not denying who I am, never but my life has changed. It changed once I arrived on earth and began to live there. I'm even more happy as Cher than what I am as Warleen. Plus, I have children and family that I can't abandon. Even if they won't remember me, I will remember them if I stay. That would make me feel bad and it can't happen. I don't care what father thinks, as soon as the war is over I'm going back to earth. I'm sorry Finn"

He wrapped an arm around her and kissed her head once more "I knew you would make the right choice" Cher looked at him curious

"You knew? And you're not upset?" She asked

"Isn't there a saying on earth that goes; if you love someone set them free?" She nodded "Well I love you and I know that being on earth makes you happy so we are setting you free"


"I think your father always knew what your decision was going to be but he is just too proud to say it out loud" Finn told her, that made her smile lighly "Now sleep, we have a big day tomorrow" with that being said they drifted off to sleep together.

Just like planned, at sunrise the troops were packed and marching towards the wind kingdom. The queen got word that the troops from the other kingdoms were already on the move as well. The trip took several hours so by the time everyone got to the west side of the wind kingdom, it was afternoon already. All the troops began setting up camp and they scattered. The west side of the kingdom was where the cold winds blew but not that much so almost everybody was comfortable.

"Ah it's good to be home" Gypsy said

"Good for you, it's freezing, don't forget that for most of the fire fairies it's like that here" Cher said shivering

"Here, take my coat. I will go get another one later" Finn said putting his coat on Cher and hugging her to warm her up.

"Thanks Finny" She said burying in his chest, he kissed her head

"Aaawww you two are so adorable" Meryl

"Shut up Meryl" she said and smirked

Meryl chuckled "Glad to have you back in a good mood Cher" they exchanged smiled and that made Meryl happy.

"Where is father?" Cher asked

"He was with Felix, the queen told them to gather some soldiers and secure the perimeter" Gypsy said

"Good" Cher said the rest of the day was spent preparing themselves for battle. That night everyone had gone to sleep but Cher. Looking at the direction where the in between was located, she saw movements and knew that there were shadows and Darko getting ready to open the portal. Cher went to sleep so she had energy for the next day.

The next morning all the troops were in position near the in between. Shadows were guarding the relics all around the area and Zane was guarding the mighty sword. The queen had giving the order to attack at Cher's signal.

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