Chapter 21

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The aftermath of the war and the end of our story!!! Another long chapter guys. Thanks so much for reading this story. For the support it got and all the comments and votes. More stories to come over the summer, I hope you like this finale as much as I loved writing this story.

Cher and Firelily parted and looked into each others eyes "You are so beautiful my daughter" Firelily said caressing her cheek

"So are you mother" Cher said in happy tears

"You won, I'm so proud of you. For your victory and the warrior I knew you were destined to become. I love you baby girl" Firelily told her

"I have wanted to hear those words from you all my life" she sniffed "I love you too mother" Cher kissed the back of her mother's hands

"Firelily" Draco said approaching and landing next to them with the queen and Finn following.

"Draco" she said and floated towards him hugging his big nose

"I have missed you so much" he said

"I can imagine" she responded

"Warleen has come a long way in her life, I'm really proud of her" Draco said, Cher smiles at that.

"Warleen" Finn goes to her and hugs her

"Thank the Goddesses you're ok" she says hugging him back and kissing him. Firelily smiles at the sight.

"Oh dear God" Elijah complains playfully

"I don't think Elijah wants to witness that right now" Meryl teased as she arrived with Mason by her side. Cher giggled

"I agree" Elijah said, Firelily gave him a questioning look. She didn't know who he was

"Well I have sent the troops back to the castle and the other kings of the other kingdoms have taken the relics to their respective places. We have had losses today but our victory will be remembered" the queen said

"I'm sorry about Malek Meryl" Cher said to her

"It's ok, he needed to be stopped" she said sadly, she saw making looking at her curiously. She knew he was referring to her name "it's a long story"

"Gypsy is gathering the ghost fairies so they can return to the underworld" the queen told

"How? The portal is closed" Elijah

"With my help" a Male voice appears out of nowhere.

"I told you everything was going to be resolved" Firelily said to Cher

"Of course, how could I forget" Cher said "Dean, the angel of death"

"Correct" the angel said "I am the one who keeps the dead in their place so I have to return them"

"aaaww I don't want him to go" Meryl whined while clutching to her brother, he chuckled.

Cher looked at her mother and squeezed her hands "Me neither, I have so much to tell you"

"I know firelight but everything happens for a reason" Firelily said

"Goddess of War" Dean said, she looked at him "You have lead this war to victory and for that you deserve a reward. Firelily and Mason can stay in the living world but only until midnight" Cher and Meryl's eyes lit up.

"Thank you" they said and the angel of death vanished

"Does this mean we get to go home mom" Elijah said, Firelily looked at him in wonder

"Yes honey but first we have to go to the castle" Cher said, she saw her mother looking at Elijah "Yes mother, he is my son. He's half human, I have another human son. Like Meryl said, it's a long story" Firelily looked at her in awe.

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