Chapter 14

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Enjoy!!! Xx

Everyone was very concern about Cher; she was dipped in the lava fountain trying to recover the energy she lost due to the rain. Gypsy was beside her without looking away all the same trying to keep herself from falling into the lava. Georgia, Georganne, Pauly and Elijah were watching from the distant, all in tears.

“Are you sure she’s alright in there? It doesn’t seem like it, she is not waking up” Pauly said

“Cher was out there long, the rain was a pretty big impact so it will take her time to recover, it won't be long. Most fire fairies die with the amount of water she was expose to, some of them did but she is no regular fairy and that is why she was only unconscious” Princess Melanie explained “She will get through this, don’t worry”

“We have never been in a life or death position with her before so we are really scared for her” Georganne said

“She has been put in far worse situations than this and Warleen always defeats it” Gypsy says  

“What do you mean? What can be worse than dying?” Georgia asked a little on edge

“2 billion years ago we were battling some creatures on the east side of the earth kingdom, they were gigantic…” Gypsy started

“Oh is this the story where she lost her legs to one of the creatures eating them?” Melanie, they all gasped

“Yes, it took 3 days for her legs to grow back and for her to come back to life” Gypsy said “How do you know this?”

“I know every bit of Warleen’s warrior history and human life history. Warleen has fought in thousands of battles, against millions of monsters and enermies, saved countless lives. Plus, all that she has done for the human world, both Warleen and Cher are my heroes. It may seem like two different lives but she is all of them doing good things” Melanie said

“Wow, we seriously don’t know what to say. I knew mom was tough but not that she had the courage to do all that. In this world I mean because of course I know everything she’s done for earth and it’s also pretty great” Elijah said

"You were not suppose to know about her past life so it's understandable" Melanie said

In the other end of the room, Meryl was arguing to the Queen if it was a good idea to wake up Malek. She didn't want them to know he was her brother, she wanted nothing to do with him since he practiced dark magic. Meryl never knew why Malek did that, they both grew surrounded by good magic. She somewhat understood that things got hard after some tragedies happened in their lives but still. Malek was always selfish and a little proud but use to have a good heart until he distant himself then turned cruel and evil. At the same time she knew they needed to find out Darko's plan

"Mary we need to know what is Darko planning for the worlds" Mariana said

"If he is here, Darko can't use the spell for whatever reason he wants to use witchcraft for" Meryl argued

"So you have been translating a blocking spell and you don't even know what it blocks?? but you know that they want to bring Mal back" Mariana said

"Yeah kind of" Meryl shrugged

"Wake him up" Mariana ordered, the others noticed the movement and were curiously watching when Meryl brought Malek into the center of the room.

Still chained, Meryl slapped him a couple of times to wake up "Hey!! Wake up bug!!" She said

Malek slowly woke up, his eyelids fluttering. He looked at his surroundings then at the Queen with hatred and at Meryl with even more hate "You slimy traitor!!!" He exclaimed

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