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I thought it was a good idea to include a little extra treat for you guys, thank you for reading this story and keep your eyes open for more to come. Enjoy!!! I promise this one will not be too long.

A few weeks had passed since everyone returned from Magix. Cher's family had their memories erased so they had no idea what happened. Today Elijah was coming over to see her. They talked on the phone about everything that happened on Magix. Their relationship had improved a lot since they bonded over magic. Cher had called Meryl to make sure she remembered as well and she did. Meryl had returned secretly to her craft and was doing both. Cher asked her if she could do her a favor, of course Meryl accepted.

Cher had created a secret training room hidden on the far end of her house where an empty wall was and that was the entrance to it. Meryl had it magically sealed so only magical beings could pass. She was teaching Elijah to gain more control over his magic and more fighting techniques. That way he could be more careful whenever his emotions take over him. They had told Pauly and Georganne who were in the house that they were going out for the day. Truthfully they were inside the walls of the house the entire time.

Cher and Elijah were sparing so he could perfect his fighting skills. They were throwing punches and kicks at each other. Cher threw a punch to him but he caught it and twisted her arm around locking it on her back.

Cher grunted from the struggle "You are getting good baby" she told him

"Thanks, I've had tutoring" he said, she raised her eyebrows with a surprised expression.

Cher moved her feet behind Elijah's and made him trip. She turned him around and pinned his arms around his back. Cher grabbed his legs and straddled them down against his back. Her own knees holding still Elijah's hands on his back.

"But it's not good enough" Cher finally stated with a smirk on her face "Who is your tutor?" She asked

"Can you let me go first?" Elijah asked painfully

"Answer the question first" Cher said

"Fine, Gypsy and Finn and a few pointers from Draco" he said "Now please let me go"

Cher was a little stunned by his answer, she looked at him and seeing him in that pain caused by her amused her. She let out a small chuckle and released him. They both ended on the floor facing each other.

"You have been back in Magix?" She asked softly staring at the floorboard. Elijah nodded in response "How many times? You know it works different there. It has been weeks here but almost a year there"

"I know, I've been there a few time. Everyone misses you, specially Finn and Draco" he said, her face saddened

"I know, I miss them too" she admitted

"How do you know?" Elijah asked curious

"Honey I'm a Goddess, I see everything and everyone of my warriors every time I look at the sky" Cher told with a smile

Elijah's mind clicked "Mom that's right, you're an immortal Goddess. That means that you really are timeless and ageless" he teased

Cher giggled "Yeah but I know what else you mean" she said

"You will get to live on even if grandma, Pauly, Georganne and even Chaz dies" Elijah said

"Well not exactly" she said, he gave a questioning look "My human body dies normally but my spirit keep living until I find another host"


"But this time is different" she says and sighs

"How so?" He noticed her expression saddened

"I have had many lives, since none of them had been so interesting and I had grown attached to humans, my spirit kept jumping. Until it landed on your grandma's womb and I had you and Chaz" she paused for a moment, this alerted her son "Elijah when this body dies, I will go back to Magix for good. It will not be fair to keep living in the human world remembering you and that you all died. Even if the rest of our family won't know it. That's too painful, it still will be if I return but at least I won't have many reminders. That's why I didn't have any children in my past lives. I will never forget any of you though, that's why was so painful having children, a life I love completely and be immortal" Elijah reached out to her and hugged her.

When they broke apart, Elijah wiped some tears that had fallen from her eyes "You just remember all the good times and that we have always love you" he said

"I know honey, I love you all too" she said, Elijah kissed her head. Cher looked at him with admiration.

"What?" He asked her smiling

"You know, you are half magical and because you are my son, get to live a little longer than a human would. You will age bit slower than a normal human. When the last one of our family dies, which it will most likely be Chaz, you can come with me to Magix and live your last years with me" Cher said

Elijah's eyes widened "Seriously? That can happen?"

"Yes, If you want to go" Cher said smiling getting one from him in return

"I do" he said smiling

Cher's eyes lit up "I'll be waiting for you" he nodded

"I'm so happy our relationship has improved since what happened" Elijah said

"Me too and I am so proud of you, I always have but seeing you happy makes me happy" Cher said

"I finally feel like I found where I belong, it's a bonus that I get to share this with you mom" Elijah stated, she giggled

She stood up "I'm glad to hear you say that honey" she reached her hand out to help her son up "ready to get your butt kicked again by your mother?" She joked

He let out a laugh "We'll see about that, but the winner gets to make dinner if Pauly of Georganne haven't taken over the kitchen"

She laughed "Deal" they assumed positions and charged

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