Chapter 8

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More of Meryl!!! 😉😘 Enjoy!!! Xx

"Hi Mary" Queen Mariana greeted

"Your highnesses" Meryl bowed. She looked at Cher who still had a shocked expression on her face which made her chuckle "Are you still gonna stand there with that face or do I get a proper hug?" She teased

Cher threw herself into her friends arms and hugged her, when she let she hit Meryl on the arm "How could you not tell me that you were a witch?? How and sense when do you know who I was??"

Meryl laughed "Ok first of all ouch, second of all I could not tell you because it's against witches law to reveal ourselfs in the human world just like you. Third, I have always known you were a fairy Goddess. Remember in the 17th century when a "healer" cured you from the shadow poinson?"

"That was you?" Cher asked even more shocked "But you do not have the face of the healer I remember"

"Yes, it was the first time that I reincarnated after some villagers caught me and burned me at the stake. A witch can only do it once so I came here and back to earth as the person you see before you now" Meryl smiled

"I reincarnated many times after the 17th century, how did you know it was me?" Cher asked

"Sweetheart your face can have many changes but your aura always stays the same. You are the same strong and sweet person I met and befriended all those centuries ago and I still are now" Meryl said reaching for Cher's hand "When I sensed you were in trouble and I had the feeling that witchcraft was involved, I contacted Queen Mariana immediately"

"How exactly did you have that feeling?" Cher questioned

"You ask too much" Meryl joked, Cher rolled her eyes "well it turns out that a member of the white coven called Viktor betrayed them. He made a deal with Darko to help him if Mal can make him more powerful when she returns. It seems Darko asked for his minions to be stronger but at the price to be alive. I figure Viktor didn't tell him that part"

"Ok one more question" Cher said, now Meryl rolled her eyes "You know all this how?"

"Hello!!! I'm a witch!! I have a cristal ball!!! Kidding" She laughed "I'm the keeper of all the white covens knowledge. Don and the kids doesn't know who I am of course but apparently yours does. I saw them on my way here, they didn't see me. I understand that they were present when the attack happened but Cher, bringing them here??"

"I know its forbidden but I couldn't help it" Cher said "I put them in danger and they deserved the true explanation" Cher retorded

"Yeah your right, well back on track. I have looked through the white covens archives but since I am only an apprentice so haven't gone that far" Meryl explained "I know almost every hex and every spell in their books but this is way too ancient. There must be a way we can block the spell they are using to open the portal"

"I think we have something in our library, you can go look there" Mariana suggested

"That would be great, thank you your highness" Cher said

"Maybe your family can help, I'll look for them and Gypsy" Melanie said. Cher agreed

"Don't tell them about me, I want to surprise them" Meryl giggled

Meryl and Cher made their way to the grand library. Cher couldn't help give a small laugh

"What?" Meryl asked

"I still can't believe you're a witch" she laughed "Bitch"

Meryl grinned "Well now you know the real reason I kept rejecting witch roles in movies. Didn't want to give myself away"

"What about Into the Woods?" Cher asked

"The character reminded me of my mother so I gave it a shot" she shrugged "I really filled her shoes very well" they both laughed.

They opened the doors to the library and their jaws dropped. There were shelfs like 10 stories high all filled with thousands of books both about fairies and witchcraft "Oh my Goddess this place is huge!!!" Meryl exclaimed and her voice echoed through the room.

"Lets start looking, you go around back" Meryl disappeared inside the bookshelfs and they both started looking through every book. A few minutes later, Gypsy, Georganne, Pauly, Chaz and Elijah entered the library and saw Cher reading a big book.

"Hey!!" Gee greeted "The princess told us briefly what you were looking for and asked us to help you, where do we start?"

"Is it seriously witchcraft?" Gypsy asked

"Yes, but we can fight this by finding a counter spell powerful enough to block the one that opens the portal" Cher explained

"How? We don't know how to dwell on witchcraft" Gypsy pointed out. Georganne, Chaz and Elijah looked up Cher's head and tried not to laugh.

"Uh mom, you have something on your head" Chaz said.

Cher looked up and saw 3 canary birds flying around her head. She looked back at the others who were still holding their laughter. Her hair got more and more red until it erupted like a volcano and burned the birds "Very funny!!! You're suppose to be searching Mary Louise, not messing around!!!" she shouted annoyed.

Meryl slowly appeared laid on her broomstick flying and smirking "Oh come on, it was funny. It's an easy childs spell but it's good for a laugh" she said

"Meryl??!!!!!" Gee, Pauly and the boys exclaimed

"Hi guys" she smiled "yes, I'm a witch. I'll explain everything later. Right now it's fighting time, I got something" Meryl said putting a big leather book on the table and everyone surrounded her "It's a very ancient language and I am a little rusty but I am sure this will work"

"Are you absolutely sure this will work?" Gypsy questioned looking at Meryl then at Cher.

"We got nothing to lose and yet we got everything to lose if we don't try, Meryl saved my life a long time ago even if I didn't know then who she was but I trust her with my life" she gave a serious look "Lets report this to the Queen. We need to have the upper hand so get the troops ready, we have a battle to prepare for" Cher stated

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