Chapter 5

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Hey lovely readers!!! Here is chapter 5, possibly my favorite one yet 😁 Enjoy Xx

Cher stood in front of Zane staring at him in anger. Her hands on each side of her ready to grab her weapons. She was shielding her family so he wouldn't touch them. She tried to back away from him and the other 3 figures but 4 more were behind them.

"You're surrounded, you're not getting away that easy" Zane growled

Gypsy was in the back shielding the other side, hands in her pockets ready to grab her sword. Georganne and Pauly stood on each side of Elijah and Chaz grabbing their hands both scared and nervous. The boys were behind Cher, they had no idea what was going on but tried to stay calm.

"Look we don't want any trouble, just leave us alone" Elijah said trying to move foward to shield his mother

"That won't happen, I have unfinished bussiness to take care of" Zane looked at him and Chaz and then at Cher who still looked at him threatening "and you seem a perfect pay" he smirked

Zane was about to charge towards Elijah but Cher pushed Elijah back, charged towards Zane and pressed him against a wall with her dragger close against his throat "Touch my children and I will destroy you" Zane let out a pained laugh, thats when she knew things were gonna get ugly. Pauly and Georganne held the boys by the hands. "Gypsy get them all out of here now!!!" Cher screamed.

Gypsy released a gust of wind from her hands and the shadows in front of her blew away. The boys had been stunned by this "Take my hand, make a chain and run!!!" Georganne and Pauly instantly obeyed, Chaz and Elijah were a bit hesitant but had no chance to argue so they ran.

Cher threw Zane against the three figures that were behind him using her super strength causing them to fall. Her eyes turned red and her fairy and dragon powers resurfaced. She took out her blades and started fighting the shadows.

"You're surrounded and alone Warleen, still mourning for yesterday?" Zane remarked

"You'll pay for what you did" Zane laughed as the shadows came charging against her.

Gypsy ran with Pauly, Georganne, Elijah and Chaz to the front of the hotel but suddenly stopped when Chaz pulled them.

"Wait a minute, what the hell just happened? What are you? Why did we just leave mom with those thugs?" He said

"Why are those things after her again?" Gee asked Gypsy

"Again!!!??" Elijah exclaimed "whats going on?"

"It was not the same, I think Zane wanted to make sure that what happened yesterday effected her" Gypsy said. The alley was still visible from where they were standing so they saw Zane crash into a car, recover and run off "Which it clearly did"

Cher came running to her family without a scratch on her "Is everyone alright?" She panted

"No!!" Exclaimed Elijah "Mom can you explain what the hell is going on? How did you manage those thugs? They were 9 of them"

"Oh 9 is nothing honey and I promise that I will explain everything to you and Chaz but right now all of you need to get back to the hotel. Gypsy and I need to go somewhere you are not suppose to go" Cher said

Gypsy knew she was planning on going to Magix but after being gone for 2 thousand years and after what just happened she knew her friend was very impulsive "Are you sure you want to go back? Its been so long and you have a life here, you have your children"

"You have a job to do which is protect us, you have to report it and I have a pending meeting with the queen of elements" Cher said sternly

"But not everything is discussed, the princess said that the queen would call for us" Gypsy argued

"After today I'm not waiting another day, we need to go now. Thats an order" Cher demanded. The boys were taken aback my her tone

"Yes chief" Gypsy replied

"Oh please can we go? I am curious to know what is like. We haven't had the chance to see you in action. All we do is run off" Pauly pleaded, now Chaz and Elijah were intrigued

"No" Cher said

"You still owe us an explanation of what happened and Elijah and I don't understand what are you all talking about" Chaz said "What is this about?"

"Its better to show them than to explain it, no one is going to say no to you so they might as well come" Gypsy said

Cher sighed "Alright but you have to be careful stay with me or Gypsy at all times. Got it?" Everyone nodded. "Follow me" they walked to the side of the hotel building where no one could see them "open it" she said to Gypsy.

Gypsy waved both her hands in the form of a circle to open a portal. Pauly and Gee were amazed, they had seen Gypsy and Cher turn into fairies but nothing like this.
Chaz and Elijah were speechless

"Make a chain, hold on to me and don't let go until we get through" Cher ordered. They obeyed and passed the portal.

They arrived withing a few minutes, as soon as they passed through Gypsy transformed into her fairy self. Loose brown hair with a silk beige outfit and transparent wings. They looked around and saw the trees swaying with the breeze. Heard twinkling in each side of where they stood and saw diferent types of flowers of all shapes and sizes.

The boys looked at Gypsy transformed and their jaws dropped "what are you?" They said in unison

"This place is beautiful?" Gee said

"Do you believe in magic boys? And in faries" Gypsy said

"I'm thinking that I might be asleep right now" Elijah said "Its impossible something this amazing can exist"

"You haven't seen anything yet" she smirked and gave a playful look to Cher to which Cher rolled her eyes.

"Why do you have to turn everything into a competition?" Cher whined

"Because you always accept and always win" Gypsy chuckled

Cher laughed "Suit yourself" she twirled around transforming into an angel like fairy with red hair, medium size, transparent dragon shaped wings and a beautiful hot red gown with a golden ring of fire floating above her for a crown.

"Wow!!!" Pauly exclaimed "you look... wow amazing"

"Way better than wearing my warrior armor" she said

"Mom you're like her? How?" Chaz questioned

"I'll explain on the way, queen Mariana's castle is not that far" Gypsy started floating, Cher glared at her "We are walking, they can't see humans here you know that"

"They are going to see them anyway" Gypsy said

"Yes but we have to do things right. Down" Gypsy grunted but got down and they walked to meet the queen.

I will be posting less because I started college today but will not forget about this. Love you all, please don't forget to comment and vote Xx

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