Chapter 11

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Hey guys!!! So some days I won't be able to update because of college but whenever I can, I will. This chapter is a little bit boring, it's funnu at the start though. I promise that the next one will be epic 😘. Enjoy Xx

Melanie got to the training ground where everybody was watching Cher train with Elijah. Or rather, they were watching her Elijah get beat down by his own mother.

"Chaz would have enjoyed watching this" Pauly giggled

Elijah was on the floor with Cher pinning him down a wooden spear press against his chest. He shot a look at Pauly "Very funny Pauly" he groaned "Alright mom I think I got it" Cher laughed, she got off him seeing the princess coming to them.

"I see training is going well" the princess joked

"If by well you mean I am getting my butt kicked then yeah" Elijah said getting up "to top it off, my mom is the one doing it" Cher laughed again

"You are doing good sweetheart, it's only your first lesson" Cher comforted. He smiled

"We have a situation Warleen and I want to know myself how this happened" Melanie said serious

"What's wrong?" She asked concerned

"It's not all bad but... somehow Georgia ended up here, she's with mother and Meryl in the thrown room"

"WHAT!!!" Cher's hair exploted "How is that possible?" She shot a look at Gypsy and went to her "GYSPY!!!!?? YOU WERE THE ONE WHO OPENED THE PORTAL, HOW COULD YOU LEAVE IT OPEN?"

Gypsy backed up scared "Warleen I swear I didn't noticed I left it open, we were in a hurry to get here"

"It's not only mid day here, how could she have woken up?" Cher said backing away

"You know she sometimes has trouble sleeping sis" Georganne said.

Cher sighed "Let's go Georganne, the rest of you stay here"

Meanwhile in the thrown room, Meryl managed to calm down a rather distress Georgia while the queen told her where she was.

"It's not possible, places like this don't exist" Georgia said

"And yet here you are" Mariana said

"And Meryl how do you fit in here?" Georgia asked

"She's a witch, she doesn't" the queen stated "Mary is only here because of Warleen"

Meryl rolled her eyes "Alright I get it, witches and fairies don't get along. Honestly I wouldn't be here of it wasn't for her"

"Who's Warleen?? everybody keeps mentioning her" Georgia asked, in that moment her daughter burst open the doors of the room. Georganne and Melanie behind her. She was left wide eyed on seeing Cher with an gold armor, red hair and red eyes. The wings were hidden when she was training. "Cher?"

Cher hugged her tightly "Mom I'm so sorry, we shouldn't have left you alone. I'm sorry I had to keep this a secret from you but it was to protect you"  she ranted

"Hone honey calm down" Georgia said caressing Cher's face "I'm ok thanks to Meryl" she said looking up, Meryl smiled "I'm just a little overwhelmed by all this" Cher smiled at her mother "Is Georganne a fairy too?" Georgia asked

"No but Elijah is, he's with Pauly outside. And before you ask, Pauly is not a fairy" Georganne said

"How is his training going?" Queen Marianna asked

"Needs improvement but he's doing good for his first day" Cher told

"Training for what?" Georgia asked

"I don't think you want to know just yet, and we are not even using any weapons" Cher said

"Speaking of weapons, mother and I have a surprise for you Warleen" Melanie smirked opening a drawer from where a glow came out of.

Cher's heart skipped a beat and her eyes lit up, she knew already what it was "No way" she said in disbelieve "I can already feel her" she raised her hand up and the big golden sword flew in her direction.

"I think I'm gonna cry" the princess whimpered

Cher lowered the sword and caressed it with her free hand "hey girl" she whispered to it. The sword lit up brighter at the sound of Cher's voice "yes I've missed you too" she smiled.

"Are you talking to her?" Gee asked Cher

"Yes, we have the same energy and that energy gives her some sort of life force. Because I am a celestial being of course, meaning Goddess. It's not the same as a human or magical creature life force but enough for her to recognize me. To be powerful fpr both of us, if I die, which will never happen, she dies with me." Cher explained

"Finally the Goddess of War reunited with her sword, this really is a special moment" Queen Mariana said

"Goddess of War?" Georgia questioned

"It's a really long story mother" Cher said

"Want to test it out?" Melanie asked Cher with a smirk on her face, Cher smirked back. She was the first one that speeded out the door. "This is gonna get good"

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