Chapter 12

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A little thriller and romance before the action hehehe. This might be my second favorite chapter. Enjoy!!! Xx

"Hey Gypsy!!! Want to sword fight?" Cher shouted as she entered the grounds smiling wide while wielding the big golden sword.

The shout got Gypsy's attention along with everyone around the fields. Those who were training stopped as soon as they saw the mighty sword. All their jaws dropped and murmurs could be heard.

Gypsy grinned from ear to ear, she and Cher stood in the middle of the field. Gypsy moved to the side of Cher that was holding the sword, raised it along with their hands and shouted "The mighty golden sword is now home and the great Goddess of War is now whole!!!" The soldiers all over the field bowed to her. Draco gave a big roar followed by Cher's scaring the others a bit. The soldiers stood up held their weapons while they cheered and screamed proud to their leader. The family was surprise by the respect and adoration she got from all of them.

Cher raised her fist and everyone went silent "The fight will begin shortly, anyone who wants to face the sword after that, stand in the middle of the field in 15 minutes" she announced then walked to her family with Gypsy following.

Georgia, Georganne, Pauly and the boys were speechless. They had mixed emotions about what just happened, all good things of course. They felt proud, happy, amazed, surprised, everything at once.

"Look at this beauty" Gypsy said standing in front of Cher who was sitting down with the sword on her lap.

"Why does everyone call it the mighty sword?" Elijah asked, Meryl, Gypsy and Draco looked at him.

"You're kidding right?" Gypsy replied

Cher chuckled "leave him alone, he doesn't know"

"The mighty sword is the most meanest, strongest, sharpest and most powerful weapon of all. Even witches know about about it and it scares the hell out of us" Meryl said eyeing it from the corner of her eye.

"The sword has only had two owners since her creation, the leader of the Amazons and Warleen" Draco explained

"As soon as I was old enough, I trained with them but as I became stronger the Goddess of darkness hatred over me grew. She slaughtered the Amazons sending them an uncontrollable giant minotaur. I defeated using the sword it but it was too late, they were all dead" Cher told

"Because of that act, the mighty sword was passed down to her and she was made a Goddess by the three great ones, Luna, Stella and Nova" Draco said proud "That story is a legend, it has been told through generations to every fairy who wants to be a warrior" Cher smiled

"This sword doesn't even need to be polished, it can cut you through without even touching you. It's so sharp, it doesn't even let you scream in pain once your stabbed with it. If you want to die honorably, it better be by the hands of the mighty sword" Gypsy praised

Georgia, Georganne, Pauly and Elijah listened intently to what everyone was saying "wow" was all they could let out.

"Then so be it, give me the honor of dying by the metal of the mighty sword, and by your hand" a voice said approuching, Cher's eyes widen.

"I'm ok with that" Draco said

"Father!!!" Cher exclaimed "I'm not gonna do it Finn" she said to him

Finn got closer to her "why? You have hated me for 15 billion years, you don't want to listen to me then I have nothing to better to live for. You might as well kill me"

"Mother won't allow this Finn, even if Warleen is above her" Melanie interviened

Finn got even closer to her and whispered in her ear "I don't care what the queen says, if you hate me the I'll give you the privilege to end my life"

Her red eyed glowed and she let out steam "Don't you understand? I don't hate you and I won't kill you!!!!" She yelled then ran off towards the forest 

Everybody was left gobsmacked "What are you waiting for, go after her!!!" Gypsy shouted "I knew she couldn't hold back for long" she sighed

Cher was sat on a rock calming herself down. Finn went and sat next to her.

"I thought I told you to stay away from me" she said without looking at him

"You know how well I listen to people, specially you" he said sacastic and smiled, she chuckled.

"Why did you leave?" Cher suddenly asked

"Now you want to talk?" Finn joked

Cher nudged him "Just tell me, Finn 40 billions years ago was our first night together. When I woke up the next morning you were gone, for years. You returned 15 billion years ago."

"And you didn't give me a chance to explain myself after I got back" he remarked

"I was angry because you left without saying anything, now I'm giving you the chance so make a good excuse" she huffed

He reached behind him and got out a medium side blue heart shaped sapphire gemstone.

Cher gasped when she saw the gem "How did you manage to get that? This gemstone is suppose to be located near the core of the planet

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Cher gasped when she saw the gem "How did you manage to get that? This gemstone is suppose to be located near the core of the planet. Only dragons can stand that kind of terrain. No fire fairy that has ever gone there has return alive"

"Well call me the first one, after you told me about it and what it meant to you. I wanted to get it if it meant that much" he said, Cher blushed and smiled. She had no idea Finn would go to that extent for her.

"That gemstone is the most valuable for all dragon and fire fairy kind yet no one knows the personal story behind it, it belonged to my mother's family and she was buried with it. Soon the ground sucked it again.

"I know" Finn whispered

How did you survive?" She asked

"I got in but got lost trying to get out, avalanches of rocks happened twice a month and blocked every path I managed to make. Some of the caves were dark and I was dehidrated and without being able to make fire for days" he told

"Finn I didn't know you went through all that, and for me. If you would have told me..." she desperately said looking at him straight in the eyes

"If I'd tell you what I was going to do, you wouldn't have let me go" he said

"Of course not" she affirmed

"And after I got back, you were so mad at me and didn't give me a chance to talk" Finn said

"I'm sorry" Cher said lowering her head

Finn grabbed her chin up to made her look at him "I would do it again just for you, I would do anything for you. I love you, I always have since that night"

"I love you too Finny" she said, he grabbed her by the waist and got her closer. Their lips instatly comnected and they felt the sparks ignite in them.

The kiss lasted a good 5 minutes, at least that is what it felt like. When they parted, Cher smiled at him so did Finn. They were interrumpted by a grey cloud getting closer. Zane landed in the middle of the field

"Damn it there is always something" Cher growled

"Shall we?" He said offering his hand

She grinned and happily accepted "Gladly" Cher said while we pulled her up and into the battle field.

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