Chapter 3

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Please don't forget to comment and vote, enjoy!!! Really long chapter guys ;)

Pauly and Georganne were pretty overwhelmed already by all that they went through. Princesss Melanie explained the concept of magic only briefly and how it worked almost like in the movies and tv shows. They had asked about Cher but the princess said only her could tell them what they needed to know in her own time. The girls were more shocked to see Cher in her fairy form on the ground crying over a dragon. Pauly and Gee kneeled beside and and Melanie in front of her.

"Cher" said Melanie, Cher looked at her puzzled "It's going to be ok, don't worry"

Cher's tears evaporated "How do you know the name?" She asked

Melanie blushed "I may have been born in Magix but I was raised on earth, I'm a big fan of yours in both magical and human world" she admitted

Cher smiled slightly at that but frowned again "Princess if he dies..."

"He won't die, we won't let that happen. Draco has a strong will, which got stronger today" the princess comforted

"It didn't end up good the last time we saw each other" Cher said "I won't be able to live with myself if those were the last words he remembers me saying, words that I regret"

"You will get the chance to clear things up. He regrets that last fight as much as you" Gypsy said

"He's the only one I got left" Cher cried

"You got a lot of people around you Warleen" Gypsy said. Cher smile at the comment

"I know but you know thats not what I mean" she said.

"I know" Gypsy said.

Cher looked at a quiet Pauly and Georganne, she dried her tears "Guys I'm sorry, you must have tons of questions"

"Those can wait, we are here for you whenever you need us" Gee said reaching out to her as did Pauly

"Thank you" she smiled. Suddenly they hear shifting and groaning coming from Draco. Cher stood up and moved forward

Orion stopped her "Be careful, he might get agitated" he said

"I know how to approach my own father so back off!!!"  She roared "That's an order!!!"
Orion instantly obeyed

"Whoa" Pauly and Gee said in shock and a little scared

"I love it when she does that" Gypsy said grinning

"Why did she say it like that?" Gee asked curious

"Because she can, she's the Goddess of war so all warriors adore and obey her" Orion said joining them.

"Wow" they said

Cher carefully moved in front of Draco landing closely in front of his face. His breathing was slow but at least he was able to. She gently put her hand on top of his big bruised nose.

He groaned in pain "Easy big guy, it's me" she said softly. Draco was slowly opening his eyes.

Draco locked eyes with Cher, his deep voice was weak "Warleen"

"Warleen?" Gee asked

"That's her real name" Gypsy said

"Wow" Gee said

Draco tried to lift his head but was too weak

"Stay still or you will get more hurt, you need to rest" Cher ordered

"I'm sorry" Draco said "For the last things I said to you"

"It doesn't matter now and it won't be your last words" she said looking at him with teary eyes

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