Chapter 13

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I'm sorry for the delay in the chapter, as you might notice I'm trying to write another one. I'm doing my best in writing 2 or 3 at once but it's not easy. Thank you for your patience my lovelies Xx.

Cher and Finn ran towards the field, shadows and soldiers were already charging against each other. Cher immediately got concerned when she heard screaming. She looked in that direction and saw Gypsy trying to fight off some shadows while protecting the others.

"Finny my family!!" She told him, they ran towards them. Cher jumped at the shadows and gave them a flying kick. Finn stabbed three at once and Cher torched the rest with her fire breath.

"I'm gonna go help the other soldiers" Finn said, before he could move Cher stopped him.

"Finn wait" she got closer and kissed him with all force, the ones around were wide eyed except for Gypsy and Meryl who were smirking and Draco had a scowl on his face "Be careful" she said once the kiss ended.

Finn nodded, joined their heads together, grabbed her hand and placed the blue heart shaped sapphire gemstone in her palm "I'm always gonna be with you" she squeezed it and attached the gemstone to her sword. They gave each other one last kiss before he ran off. Draco flew to the sky into the battlefield, Cher rolled her eyes, she knew he was annoyed but ignored it.

"I knew that would happen" Gypsy said smirking at her

"Whatever" Cher giggled "get the princess inside the castle, my family will follow" she commanded, Gypsy nodded "Meryl and Elijah, cover them. Protect them at all cost"

Elijah shot a look at her in disbelief "Really? You're gonna let me fight?" He said

Cher smiled "You will just be using your magic, but technically yes... Just avoid as many punches as possible. I believe you can protect our family" she said, Elijah agreed.

"What about you?" Georgia asked

"I'll deal with Zane, I've had it with that insect" she said sounding irritated

"I know you can kick his butt but still be careful" said Pauly, Cher went to them and gave them a group hug.

"I will" she said "Now go!!" Cher's family and the princess ran to the castle and Cher flew to search for Zane.

She was running and fighting off every shadow that got in her way. Cher was about to stab him once he was close enough but Zane was fast and blocked her with his own sword. Cher punched him in the gut and again in the back making him kneel before her.

She pointed at Zane with the mighty sword and said "surrender now Zane or die faster than you wished"

Zane looked at her with hatred "never" he said before attacking her. A thunder was heard and the sky was filling up with rain clouds all over the battlefield. Zane was pressing his sword against Cher. She looked up in worry, seeing a man standing on a cloud. Zane took the opportunity to push her down to the floor as the rain started to drop.

He made an evil laugh and pointed at her with his sword "You are not the only one who has witchcraft on their side" Cher looked around and saw the other soldiers going down one by one. She was getting weaker herself but still tried her hardest to get up and fight back.

On the throne room

The Queen and princess were trying to come up with a plan for the day of the big battle. Georganne, Pauly, Elijah, Georgia, Meryl and Gypsy were for sure worried about Cher. When the thunder was heard, everybody looked out the window and Gypsy and Meryl instantly got more worried.

"No, it can't be raining, it's not suppose to rain. It's gonna put many soldiers in danger, not to mention Finn and Warleen out there..." Queen Mariana said

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