Chapter 2

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"We.. we don't have anything on us" Paulette stuttered trying to be tough.

Zane felt threatened so he moved forward. Cher grabbed Pauly and Georganne by they're wrist and backed away "Stay away from them" Cher warned giving him a straight look in the eyes, her own turning red. Zane saw this and backed away.

"We are not leaving until I get my boss what he wants" he said defyning Cher, Zane knew she was not suppose to show herself but he liked provoking her to do so "Come on, I know you have it" Zane spoke as if he was talking to all three of them but both him and Cher knew the conversation was between them.

Cher sighed, it was time so she spoke "Even if I had it, I wouldn't give it to you" Gee and Pauly gave a puzzling look but they were too terrified to ask questions right now so they stayed quiet.

"I'm feeling generous" Zane was pacing "If you don't give us the sword, we will have to take it by force" he said and took out his own sword, the other figures started turning into almost transparent shadows.

Paulette and Gee were shaking in fear, Cher was still holding their wrist but loosened the touch, getting ready to attack

""What the heck are those things?" Gee whispered. Cher heard

"So, whats it gonna be?" Zane said and pointed at Cher with his sword

"What the...?" Pauly and Gee said in unison as they saw the weapon aimed at Cher.

She looked up, back at him and smirked "You know I can't be killed Zane" the women behind her looked wide eyed and confused "I can have your buddies torched before you can even stab me"

"You can't do anything but lets put it to the test" Zane said raising his sword to attack.

Cher grabbed Pauly and Gee's hands and backed away as fast as possible. A wave of fire downing above the shadows burning them. The big dragon appearing through a hole along with 3 smaller creatures to fight the shadows. That made Cher smile. Zane stood up and screeched, hundrends of shadows appeard by his side.

Cher grabbed her sister and best friend "Run" she said firmly. The three ran really fast to their car and got behind it.

"What the hell is happening?!!!" Gee exclaimed "Where did all that come from? And how did you know that guy?" She rambled, they were hiding behind the car so they could not be seen or see the fighting and the magic happening. Cher made sure of that.

"Listen to me, I know this is crazy and it seems impossible but..." Cher was interrupted by a figure jumping behind her. Cher got startled and Pauly and Georganne screamed.

"Hi" the fairy said with a smile

"Oh thank goodness, I thought it was something else" Cher said

"Thank goodness?" Pauly said startled clueless of who was the fairy, not know if she was good or bad.

"Princess why are those pest after me? I don't have the sword on me" Cher asked ignoring what Pauly said. Both Pauly and Gee were scared but curious to know what Cher was talking about.

"I know, its a long story but right now this fight need to end in 10 minutes" the princess said giving Cher a glare.

Cher sighed knowing what she meant. She looked at Pauly and Georganne worried "what?" Said Gee

The princess put her hand on Cher's making her look back at her and said "I will protect them with my life, we will not move from here" Cher nodded.

Cher looked again at her sister and best friend, this time serious. This time she had to be the fierceless and strong warrior she had left behind "I will be right back, don't move and listen to everything the princess says until this is over" she stood up, took at deep breath and ran off.

Paulette and Georganne were taken aback by Cher's change of attitude "Where is she going?" Gee asked the princess

"To do her job" the princess replied excitedly "My name is Melanie by the way, princess of the element fairies. And yes, magic exists" the two women looked at each other dumbstruck and started to asked the princess a lot of questions.

Cher ran towards the fights, as she ran she transformed into her her warrior armor with transparent red wings, red hair and eyes. Cher grabbed the spare sword she carried and started to fight off the shadows trying to get to the others. A fiery feeling coursed through her body as she blasted fire balls with one hand and stabbed the dark creatures with the other. She felt powerful once again, she felt whole once again, she felt home again. The energy she was emerging helped retore her abilities to the fullest.

2 minutes into the fight, Cher bumped into someone she thought it a shadow but turned out to be a friend "Gypsy!!!" She exclaimed surprised

Without stopping fighting the shadows, backs against each other they talked "Hello my friend" Gypsy said smiling then stabbed a shadow on the gut.

"I can't believe you're here" Cher said dodging a punch

"I joined the all royal guards" Gypsy replies flipping another shadow knocking him out

"May the Goddesses help the royal family with you there, a wind fairy guarding the all fairy royal family" Cher joked dodging a stomach punch and throwing a side kick.

"Very funny Warleen" Gypsy mocked but laughed, Cher gave a slight chuckle to the mention of her real name "I'm getting sick of this" Gypsy said stabbing another shadow

"Fire tornado?" Cher suggested

"Fire tornado!!!" Gypsy cheered. The two joined their arms together and out of Gypsy's hand came a strong wind followed by flames from Cher's hand. Soon enough forming a big fire tornado reducing the amount of shadows.

"Way to go girls!!!" Roared Draco who was burning is own swarm of shadows above them in the sky. Cher looked at him and smiled

Gypsy saw her "Go!!! Orion and I can handle it down here, there's less to fight"

Cher smiled wider and soon enough she jumped and ended up flying along side Draco to fight. She gave a giant fire breathing dragon roar with all her might, signaling she was about give her all. Draco gave another one in response

Behind the car, princess Melanie was peeking out to see the fight while keeping an eye out for danger when she heard the roar.

"Oh this is gonna be good" she said excited. Pauly and Georganne still weren't seeing anything because they were covered.

They got scared by the roar "Oh my God, what was that? A monster?" Pauly asked scared

"No" Melanie said offended "It was Draco, a dragon"

"Oh because that's better" Pauly said sarcastically. Melanie rolled her eyes

"Anyway, that wasn't just Draco's roar. The first one was Cher and Draco answered" Melanie explained

"Whoa" the girls said in unison in surprise

Back in the battle, the shadows were almost defeated. The only ones standing were Cher, Draco, Zane and 10 shadows. Cher was fighting Zane plus 3 shadows and Draco was was fighting off the rest. Draco burned off the remaining ones, Cher focused for a minute on the 3 she was fighting. Out of nowhere Zane zipped as fast as lightning and stabbed Draco in the back, hurting him. He let out a roar and began falling

"NO!!!" Cher screamed once she saw him fall and out of anger burned the 3 shadows she was fighting. Unfortunately, Zane managed to escape.

Behind the car the others hear the roar and Cher scream

"Oh no" Melanie said and looked at the scene "The fight is over, we can come out now but something when wrong" nobody said anything just ran to the scene.

Draco was on the ground unconcious, Orion was examining him and Cher was kneeling in front of him crying with Gypsy beside her comforting her. This scene had Pauly and Georganne both scared and asking themselfs a lot of questions. Deciding if it was the right time to ask for answers or not.

Don't forget to comment and vote, I really hope you liked the chapter. Xx

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