Chapter 7 pt. 2

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Got a little surprise character revealed at the end you guys!!! Enjoy ;)

Cher and Finn charged against each other, swords clashing against the other. All the soldiers and Cher's family are cheering. Finn throws a punch at her face but she leans to the other side and skips it. Cher spins around and threw side kick at him backing him away. Finn jump at Cher with his sword but she blocked him. Finn was strong and determined to win this fight. They both had a purpose to this fight, none of them wanted the other one to win. Cher suddenly stumbled when he put pressure on his sword that was against hers. She ended up kneeling on the floor, face to face close with Finn. Their lips were almost touching and she almost fell down by letting herself get lost staring at his lips. She woke up from her trance and pushed him back with all the force she had left, pinning him on the floor with her sword "I win" she whispered then got up and walked away to her family. Leaving him on the ground still mesmerize by her incredible beauty and fierceness.

Everyone cheered and collected their bets, Georganne, Pauly and the boys were shocked after they witnessed the fight. They had bet the same as Melanie so they lost. None of them had seen that side of Cher before so it was really incredible and a bit scary.

"Remind me to NEVER piss you off again" Gee said. Cher laughed

"Mom seriously that was amazingly scary!!"  Elijah exclaimed excited

"Yeah mom, it was incredible" Chaz said equaly excited

Cher smiled "Alright boys chill, I got it"

"Did I heard them call you mom?" Draco said looking down at her

"Yes father, these two boys are my children and I am very proud to have them both" she said

"I admit that it is unusual that you have human children" he started

"Father don't start, they are MY children" Cher interrupted

"Let me finish, it is unusual and though I am not entirely thrilled about it, I respect it" Draco finished

"Well that is something I did not expect from you but I'm glad you said it" Cher said

"You hesitated" Gypsy said approching

"I didn't" Cher stated

"You did, I saw it" Gypsy insisted "you were about to kiss him at the end"

"Don't provoke me Gypsy, few that have done so, have live to tell the story" Cher warned. With that she backed away

Princess Melanie came towards them "That was a good fight" she laughed "Cher, mother is ready
for you" Cher nodded

"In the meantime Gypsy can show you around the castle, this might take a while" Cher said to her family "Don't leave her side please and if there is any trouble come find me" they all agreed

Cher and princess Melanie walked inside the castle and through the big hall. Entering in another big room adorned with the various elements of the kindom. In the left side corner of the room there was a garden with little trees and flowers of different kinds. On the right side corner there was a small mountain with windmills on each side and breeze hitting them. At the end of the room there were 3 thrones and behind them was a waterfall leading to a tunel below the floor.

Queen Mariana was sitting in her throne waiting for Cher "Welcome home great Warleen" she greeted and bowed

"It's good to be back and please Cher its fine" Cher said "I believe you know my human status as well" she smirked

"I do, Melanie loves your music" the queen smiled at her daughter "Now for what your here for. I believe Melanie already told you that the shadows have been trying to get the relics of all the elements to make a portal so Mal can return"

"Yes, and the shadows want to use me and my golden sword as the key" Queen Mariana nodded "But using me will only open the portal temporarily and even they bring Mal back, she's dead" Cher said

"You're golden sword is being safely guarded in the hidden kindom, only a few know their location" Melanie explained

"It rised?!!" Cher asked

"Yep and its cloathed with a protention shield no shadow can detect so the sword is safe" she said

"Alright back to business" Mariana said eyeing her daughter "Have you notice anything different when you are fighting the shadows?" The queen interrupted

"Yes!!! They're stronger and they were bleeding, shadows are not suppose to bleed" Cher realized

"There is only one kind of magic poweful enough to give that effect to the shadows" Mariana stated

"Witchcraft" Cher finished "Of course, But how?"

"We still don't know... but we do have someone who knows" Mariana smiled "send her in" she told the guards.

"You also know her very well, but by another name" Melanie smirked. Cher looked confused, as soon as the doors opened she was speechless.

This witch was average tall, she had a purple dress right below her knees. Lips as red as blood and hair as blond as gold. Cher could not believe her eyes. "No way!!!" She exclaimed

"Hi Cher" the witch giggled "Or should I say, Warleen"


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