Chapter 16

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I have been having trouble with my phone and had to erase it and restart it. Sadly the app I used to write didn't back up my stories and chapters so I have to start almost all over again. Luckily I had everything else already published. This chapter is almost all going to be about Meryl and her witch background. Enjoy!!!

2 days on earth had passed, that meant 2 months on Magix. Queen Mariana had traveled to the crystal kingdom and the portals were being blocked. This infuriated Darko, causing him to release the shadows to the kingdoms of every element. He had everything to open the portal but didn't have the power source of the sword, The Goddess of War herself. Cher was in hiding on earth, resting for what's to come. Cher's family took care of her, helped her bruises heal and regain energy. Chaz had come for a visit on the second day and when he was caught up, he helped the family. By the 3rd day she was already on her feet, she managed to do the last two remaining shows of her tour. Cher said she needed a long break, she wasn't at full strength yet so the shows drained her. For those who didn't know what was happening, it brought immediate concern but Cher couldn't say anything, just that she needed a break. On the 4th and 5th day Cher had told Elijah she wanted to train, that would help her get more energy. As much as Elijah complained and worried, he didn't have much say in the matter, Cher was already dragging him to the gym.

Meryl on the other hand was going crazy. She had been going back and forth for 5 trying to get back on track with her work on earth which she was very behind. All the while still working on her witchcraft without being discovered. Meryl was still looking for Malek, after their first encounter, he had disappeared. She was worried he had gone back to Darko but also that he was doing things alone. Meryl knew he was still not over Mason's death but she was thinking if she could reason with him. Malek had turned to dark magic for a reason she understood and she was hopeful that the effects were reversible. Although Meryl was realistic and she was afraid that it was too late and the power of dark magic had consumed him. Giving the busy days she's been having, Meryl hadn't spent much time with her family so today she was having lunch with her youngest daughters, Grace and Louisa.

Meryl was walking to her car when suddenly a note appeared in front of her in mid air. She quickly grabbed it before anyone could see it, the note said:

Hello Mary,

I want to talk about Mason, let's also make a trade. If you know what's good for you, meet me at the edge of the nature kingdom. You want to save people you care about? Come alone.


"Trade?" She thought to herself. Meryl quickly ran back inside her house and went to the guess room closet. There she took out a big chest, it was locked magically so neither Don or her children could open it. Inside there were various hexes and weapons for protection. Meryl took out hex bags, two small daggers, her gloves and she carefully took out an iron chain. She locked it again, hid it and disappeared to where she was supposed to.

Meryl reappeared a bit far from Malek but she could still see him from afar. Her brother was standing behind a floating curtain in front of him. She didn't know what he was up to, she certainly didn't trust him.

"I was beginning to think you wouldn't show up" Malek said when Meryl got closer

"Enough games Malek, tell me what you really want" Meryl said

"Be careful with the way you speak to me little sister, people could get hurt" Malek said giving a mischievous grin

"Don't threaten me brother, what are you talking about?" Meryl asked

Malek made an evil chuckle and magically raised the curtain to what Meryl saw really took the life out of her. Grace and Louisa were tied to a pole, their backs against each other and unconscious.

Malek waved his hand and said "awaken" the two girls were slowly waking up, feeling very drowsy.

"Girls!!!" Meryl screamed and was about to run toward them but got held back by iron spikes coming out of the sand.

"I wouldn't move if I were you" Malek said

When Grace and Louisa heard their mothers voice they were aware of their surroundings. The girls panicked when they realized they were chained to a pole "Mom?!!!! What's going on?" They cried

"Don't be afraid girls, everything is gonna be alright" she yelled, Meryl looked hateful at her brother "Malek please, they are my daughters, things didn't have to come to this. They have the same blood as you. Plus, Grace and Louisa don't have anything to do with this war" she said

"I am not going to be familiar with mortals. Give me what Darko wants and I let them go harmless. I told you I wanted a trade so here it is. Give me Warleen" Malek said

"You said you wanted to talk about Mason, our brother wouldn't have approved of this. He would have want you to move on with your life. Don't beat yourself up anymore because of an accident please" she pleaded

"It's too late for me little sister. Besides, making a part of the cleansing and rebirth of humanity would make him proud. You have betrayed your own kind and have mixed yourself with fairies and mortals. Mason would be so disappointed in you Mary. Now give me Warleen or suffer the consequences" Malek said

Meryl had tears in her eyes, she couldn't believe her brother was capable of such horrible things. She was too late, darkness already filled his heart "I won't betray my friends, I have treated every creature I have met as my equal, fairy or mortal. That's the way it should be so I will not betray my friends" she stated

"Your choice then" Malek said, he conjured an energy ball in his hand and pointed at the direction of Grace and Louisa.

"Mom!!!" The girls cried, they were stunned by what they were seeing. Something that could only come out of a movie.

"Nooo!!!!" Meryl shouted, she quickly ran as fast as lightning and elevated over the iron spikes. Landing between them and the girls. She magically shielded herself and her daughters to protect them. Grace and Louisa's eyes got wide in shock.

"You are a powerful witch Mary, but are you powerful enough to stop me?" Malek said

"I don't want to do it but looks like you are giving me no choice" she said and took out the iron chain and swung it at him.

Malek took out a large dagger and blocked the attack, causing the chain to tangle in it "You think I would fall for that again? Haha wrong" he said pulled the chain on the dagger causing Meryl to elevate in the air and fall to the ground.

Meryl stood up, waved her hands and blasted him to the ground. Malek pulled on the chain, bringing her closer and surrounding the chain on her. She screamed in pain, the iron burned her body until her skin turned blood red. Grace and Louisa were in tears even if they couldn't explain how was it possible they could see what was happening. Nevertheless they were watching their mother get hurt and it was unbearable.

Meryl was trying to free herself from the chains, fighting through the pain. She managed to kick her brother in the stomach and lose them only slightly. He groaned in annoyance, took out an iron dagger and pulled her even closer to him. Meryl gulped as the dagger went inside her lower abdomen.

"Mom!!!!" Grace and Louisa screamed and cried

Malek looked at Meryl straight in the eyes full of hate, pushing the dagger deeper into her skin. He pushed her to the ground watching her struggle for air. Malek looked at the girls "You deserve to watch her slowly die for betraying her own kind" he magically freed them and disappeared.

Grace and Louisa ran to Meryl crying. Louisa rested Meryl's head on her lap "Mom, what the hell?" She cried

"Don't... be... afraid... girls... Everything will be... alright" Meryl gulped then suddenly stopped moving in her daughter's arms. It was like she stopped breathing. Grace and Louisa cried harder, they didn't know what to do. They were trying to find an explanation for everything that just happened, in their mind, their mother had just died in front of them. The girls found themselves in a place they didn't know existed and with no idea where to go or who to contact.

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