Chapter 6

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Here it is!!! There are a few easter eggs of the next chapters to come. See if you can spot them hehe ;) Xx

They were not that far from the castle but still had to walk a few miles. Cher had explained to the boys how the magical world worked, they were really amazed

When they reached the end of the forest, Chaz, Elijah, Pauly and Gee were mesmorised by the huge castle in front of them.

"This is like being inside a medieval movie" Elijah said looked around amazed

Cher smiled "Well I say fairies got ripped off by humans, since they were thrown to earth they have been telling "fairy tales" about magical creatures so this is where it all comes from. That was a long time ago but Magix is still not as modernise as earth, I doubt it will ever be."

"How long ago was it?" Chaz asked

"Over 73 billion years ago" Gypsy said smirking at Cher

"72 billion thank you!!!" Cher defended playfully laughing

"You were the cutest baby in all the land" Gypsy teased. The boys looked gobsmacked at their mother.

"Shut up Gypsy" Cher laughed, she turned to her children "Yes boys, I'm that old" all they did was say 'Whoa' and she laughed again.

When everyone got to the front bridge two guards stopped them, noticing the humans "Stop right there humans, you are not welcome here"

"Hold up you two, they are with me" Gypsy said

"Gypsy they are not suppose to be here" one said

"The Queen knows we're coming, they are actually with me so please stand down" Cher said moving forward.

The soldiers eyes got wider "Holy Goddess!!! you're back. Forgive us your greatness" they bowed. The others were shocked of the reputation Cher had.

Cher had hold herself from laughing at her family's faces, she regained herself to keep her Goddess posture "Rise soldiers, all is forgiven. Keep doing a good job" the soldiers stood up and their faces beamed of happiness. They moved aside to geture them to pass, so did.

They entered and walked through the big shiny hall the fairy soldiers and staff stood still in shock of seeing the great goddess of war returns. Passing the corridor everyone greeted and bowed to Cher when she passed them. Cher's family was stun by the respect she got from all the fairies, all but one.

"Great, so you get adored here AND on earth" Elijah said sarcastically and annoyed.

"Bro come on, don't start" Chaz defended

Cher stopped her tracks so did the rest "Leave him, if he still thinks that way it's his minds choice. I don't like it but I respect it" Cher said to Chaz then turned to Elijah "You said you wanted to make things right between us so lets start here. I am adored in Magix because I earned it, being Goddess of war by defending this world is my duty, not by choice but destiny. It's not easy being a warrior and make decisions I don't like to make but have to. On earth people gave me the alias Goddess of Pop, I still don't understand why but I'd say its because I got lucky they liked my music and it is a privilege to receive the title. There is a mayor difference between the two, think about it son" no one said anything after that, the girls and Chaz were impress by Cher's firm attitude, Elijah was left embarrassed.

They walked a few more feet when two fairies flew in their direction "Hi, I knew you couldn't wait to come early. Sadly mother its busy but..."

"I can wait princess, we were attacked this morning by Zane and other shadows. That is why we came early. He threatened Chaz and Elijah right in front of me" Cher said not noticing the other male fairy

"Oh I see" she said then looked at the others "So you brought them here" the princess smiled

"I'm sorry, I know it's forbidden but..." she started

"It's ok, I can get my mother to allow it because its you but just this time. Remember you have to set the example for the other fairies" Melanie said

"I know" Cher grinned shyly

"I remember seeing that same smile a very long time ago on someone very special" a male voice said behind the princess

Cher's eyes sparkled as she saw a familiar face from her past "uncle Felix!!!" She gave him a warm hug.

"Hello Warleen, its really good to see you again" he said

"Warleen?" Chaz whispered to Georganne

"Apparently that's her real name" she whispered back


"It's true what I said, I remember seeing your mother smile all the time. She was just like you, my dear sister." Felix showed a sad smile

"I miss her too uncle... but tell me, what are you doing here in the all element kindom?" She asked

"When your mother died I promised myself that I would always look out for her family and that is what I'm doing" he explained

"Draco is here Warleen" Melanie interrupted "He's been doing ok, we've had him exercising his wings here since its a much bigger space than the firelands" Felix gave her a 'seriously?' look "Sorry it's true" she shrugged

"He's here? Where?" Cher asked desperately

"Probably in the training grounds flying around, as you know he is really stubborn so some healers had to give him a little push to recovery" Melanie said

"Like father, like daughter" Felix chuckled

Cher laughed "Can I go to the training grounds? Since the queen is busy I might as well occupy myself too"

"You can go where ever you want Warleen" Melanie said

"Oh uncle Felix I forgot to introduce you" Cher said geturing the others "This is Georganne, my sister in the human world"

Felix looked at Gee curiously "Hello" he said blankly, Cher eyed him.

"This is my best friend Paulette" she said turning to Pauly, Gypsy cleared her throat "Well on earth" she giggled

"Mmm" Felix said

Cher finally reached the boys "And finally, The two most important people in my life, my sons Chaz and Elijah" she said signaling each one.

"Oh wow" Felix said impressed "I'm really happy you got to have children of your own" he said reaching out to hug her "and... well they are human" he said hugging her

"Yes" she responded "At least one of them is" she whispered in his ear once they were close enough. When they parted he nodded

Unaware of the exchange they greeted each other and then the princess said "Lets go to the training grounds, there are other soldiers training so for Warleen this will be entertaining" she giggled

"You bet" Cher laughed

"Oh I wouldn't miss that for the world" Gypsy said.

"What do you mean?" Gee questioned

"You'll see" Cher said

Don't forget to comment and vote, a surprise character will come whithin a couple of chapters ;)

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