Chapter 10

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This chapter didn't turn out the way I expected but at the same time it did. I really hope you like it, enjoy!!!

It had been two days on earth, which meant two months on Magix. Gypsy and Cher had received word that two other relics were stolen from the kindom. There was only the Golden sword belonging to the Goddess of War Warleen. The sword was hidden in a kindom protected by an invisible forcefield because that kindom held the source of all the planets magic, the cristal kindom. Cher asked about Elijah and Meryl told her he was doing great. The queen had said that his magic was a little unstable but he was getting better.

Cher decided two take a break and go home. There were only three shows left so it was no big deal. Georgia had pop up for a surprise visit. Luckily she didn't see Gypsy because Gypsy was on another room. Cher was happy to see her mom, but she was still worried about Elijah. Georganne sensed this in the middle of a conversation. She suggested to Georgia to rest since it must have been a hard ride from her house. Georgia agreed and went to her room she had on Cher's house. Cher was pacing yet again from one side to the other.

"I can't stand it, I need to go. Elijah needs me. It's been two months there and the shadows have stolen the two remaining element relics. It's only a matter of time before they find the cristal kindom and take my sword" Cher said

"Elijah is doing fine sis, Meryl said so and well we can't just leave mom here" Gee said

"We?" Gypsy remarked rather sarcastic

"Yes we" Gee repeated irritated "me and Paulette want to go with you again. You can't just leave us all worried about you and Elijah out there" she said

"Gee is right Cher, plus we want to see him" Pauly said

Cher sighed "Fine you can come and don't worry about mom, we will be back by the time she wakes up" they turned to a wall, Gypsy opened the portal and passed. Without realizing a mistake was made.

All of them went trait to the thrown room and found princess Melanie who told then Elijah was practicing his magic in the training grounds. Meryl was in the library still working on the translation of the spell, it was almost done. In the training ground they found the queen demostrating a fire ball move to Elijah into a target, him repeting it and Draco watching over them. Elijah did the move perfectly.

"That was great honey!!! Really impressive" Cher said approching him

"Mom!! You're back, you really thought it was good?" He asked with a shy smile on his face

"I'm so proud of you" she hugged him

"You should be, he really did do good" Draco said

"Well if he got YOU to say that then he made it" Cher said and Draco chuckled

"He has been giving me some advise too fro when you get to train me to fight" Elijah said looking at Draco then his mother.

"Oh really?" Cher eyed Draco "Let's put that knowledge to the test, shall we?"

"Really?" He asked

"Of course, but I really must warn you, I'm a really tough and difficult teacher" Cher said

"She really is" Gypsy teased, Cher blew her away being careful not to burn her. The others laughed

"I need to go see mother about something, see you later" Melanie bowed to Cher and walked away

Cher transformed into her warrior armor, grabbed a spear and went to thr field with her son.

"Alright, first rule of fighting, just like father said to me when Gypsy and I first brought you here. Don't fight in anger" Cher stated

"Which you almost fail to do" Draco huffed

"Thank you father" Cher said giving him an angry look

"But yes, don't fight in anger or you will lose control of yourself and your magic. Use have to use determination and inner strength" Cher said "always be aware of your surroundings and never turn your back on your enermies" Cher took a defending position and so did Elijah "I can see father did taught you a few things" she charged against him but he blocked her, she charged again and he blocked her again "That's good, now let's see if you can handle this" she backed away and charged again.

In front of the castle, Meryl was taking a break from translating the spell so she decided to go for a walk. She was getting close to the entrance bridge when she saw two guards pointing at someone. That someone was a human woman and Meryl recognized her.

Meryl ran and stood in between them, stopping the guards "whoa whoa stop, don't hurt her"

"Get out of our way witch, you have no authority here" one guard said

Meryl held the woman back "I know her" she looked into the woman's scared eyes "Hello Georgia" she smiled

"Meryl?" Georgia asked confused

Meryl looked back at the guards "In the name of Warleen back off!!!" She exclaimed "If you don't want to face her wrath, you better not touch this women. I said back off before I turn you both into fairy dust" at the mention of Warleen they backed off.

Meryl wrapped an arm around Georgia and they passed, before entering the castle they stopped "Here" Meryl said taking her cape off and putting it on Georgia with the hood "this will help you drag less attention"

Georgia did as told "what is this place Meryl? Why are you here? I was at Cher's house and... where is Cher? And Gee? I don't know if I'm dreaming or not" she started saying a little confused but Meryl interrupted

"Relax, I'm going to take you to the person in charge around here" she said and smiled "well one of them anyway" Georgia agreed and they entered

When they reached the thrown room queen Mariana and princess Melanie were putting away a prized possesion. Georgia was covered in the hood so they could not see her face.

Meryl saw what they were putting away and gasped "Excuse me your highnesses, is that what I think it is?" She said

"Yes" the queen smiled

"But don't say anything yet, we want to surprise her" the princess said excited. They both noticed the hooded woman.

"Who might this be?" The queen asked

"We might have a slight situation" Meryl said nervously and taking the hood off Georgia. Both royals were startled

Princess Melanie gasped "Oh my Goddess, it's Georgia"

"How do you know me?" Georgia asked

"Get Warleen here now" the queen demanded, princess Melanie was the first one to run off.

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