Chapter 9

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This chapter touches somehow sensitive subjects but it's really sweet. There is a BIG reveal and from then on the story takes a new turn. ;) Enjoy!!!

"Whoa whoa whoa back up" Gee stopped her "Sis I get you have a job to do here and we all fully support you but you are still Cher on earth and we have been here for hours, you have work to do there as well"

Meryl stood in front of Cher and Gee "To clear this up, it has not been hours. Well here it has, the timelines are different here than on earth. What it's hours here, it's only minutes there but since the day is almost over here, it has been almost an hour there. Second, Georganne is right, you are still Cher as much as you are Warleen and you don't want to disappoint millions of people, do you? But you have a duty to accomplish here. Listen we don't want you to feel that you have to choose between two worlds but right now you need to think"

Cher didn't know what to do, she loved both her lives. She loved to sing and she loved her human family but she also loved being Warleen. Being a fairy is her true self and she could not deny it. Plus, she made a commitment to protect Magix. Cher loved the adrenaline of a fight and helping people. She sighed "Let's go report to the Queen"

They all made their way to the throne room where they found the queen and princess waiting for them. They reported what they found and also the situation Cher was in.

"I understand" Mariana said "Like your sister said, we don't want you to feel like you have to choose. Both worlds need you but don't want to pressure you."

"I am still looking forward to see the concert tonight" Melanie said smiling "Let's do this just like before. Darko still hasn't gone after the rest of the relics so we have time to get ready and figure things out. Go get ready for the concert, do the shows and we'll call you when we need you. Take Gypsy with you for protection and that way she can see what an amazing job you do"

"I can allow that" Marianna said

"And I will be here to figure out the rest of the spell" Meryl said

"The rest?" Melanie asked

"Oh yeah, one of the parts says that the portal needs the same celestial energy as the key that opens the portal to fight against the keys energy at the same time the spell is cast so that the portal won't open" Meryl read

"Well I am celestial energy and connected to the key so..." Cher began but was interrupted  by Meryl

"It can't be you, and the Goddesses haven't been seen in person since Mal's fall so that is not possible either" she said

"It has to be someone from your bloodline that is as powerful as you" Mariana suddenly said

"Well can your father take the pressure?" Pauly said to Cher

Right there Cher's mind clicked "No" she said firmly "I won't let it happen and that's it, it's too dangerous. I won't risk him"

"He's a dragon, he..." Pauly started

"It's not Draco, You were given celestial energy as a young adult" Gypsy said

"Oh my Goddess" Meryl said realizing "Cher I'm sure he has the potential to do it"

"I said no" Cher growled

"Um, we are still clueless here" Gee said

Cher covered her face in frustration "Boys come here" she said to them and reaching for their hands

"Us? But we're human" Chaz said "How is it possible?"

Cher caressed each of their faces "I love you both with my entire being and I would do everything to in my power to protect you" she sighed before she continued "Because both of your fathers were humans I assumed that you were both going to be humans too. I was wrong, one of you is not. One of you is a fire fairy like me" she finally said leaving the whole family wide eyed "I didn't said anything, first of all for protection and second because I blocked your powers when they appeard as a child. Babies can't control their magic and I wanted to have a normal life so I had to. Plus, humans are not suppose to know about magic. Because you came from me, you have celestial energy"

"Mom, which of us is it?" Elijah asked

Cher closed her eyes, took a deep breath and said "It's you Elijah" everyone was surprised but not as much as him.

"Me?" Elijah questioned still in a shocked state "Why didn't you tell me when I was old enough? I wouldn't have said anything and things could have been different" he said

"Life goes on, you grew up in difficult times and you went through tough times when Greggory died. You are only half fairy and human. Besides, we are still trying to work things out" she said sad

"I'm sorry to interrupt but, what do you want to do?" Melanie asked

"I'll do it" Elijah said "I can fight it"

"No!!!" Cher argued "It's too dangerous, you're not ready and I won't lose you" her voice was starting to crack and her eyes were watering

"I can train his in time" Mariana said

"And I can keep an eye on him while I'm here" Meryl offered

"I won't send my youngest to his death!!!" Cher cried "I won't lose him"

"Mom, I can do this" he said pulling his mother closer to him "I have always felt that I don't fit in anywhere, maybe this is why. Meryl said I have the potential and if I am as powerful as you, it has to work. If I do this, I can prove to myself that I am worth something. I can prove it to you and our relationship can improve"

"You don't have to prove to me what you are worth. I am your mother and you and Chaz are more valuable to me than gold" Cher said "This is a life or death situation and I don't want anything to happen to you. Same goes to Chaz if had magical powers or if you both had them"

"I believe I'm strong and I can do it if I am trained right. I believe I can fight by your side, do you believe in me?" He said

Cher thought for a moment "I do" Elijah smiled "But the queen will teach you magic and I will teach you to fight when I get back"

"There is nothing better for a soldier than being trained by the Goddess of War herself" Gypsy said

Cher and Elijah hugged and he said "Thank you for having faith in me" they parted

"Well lets get this show on the road before Dori and Lori kill us. We have to get you hair and makeup ready" Pauly said

Everybody including the queen and princess went to the entrance to go through a portal the queen had opened. Melanie was going to be at the concert later so they'd see her there. Georganne, Pauly, Chaz, Gypsy and Cher were all about to cross the portal. Cher turned around, ran to Elijah and hugged him "Be careful" she whispered. With that she crossed with others.

A few hours later on earth they all had gone  to the stadium. Gypsy was amazed because she hadn't seen Cher performed, she had to be introduced as a family friend. Half an hour before the show, Georganne and Chaz took their seats. As much as Gypsy refused she had gone with them and Pauly went with Cher. It was almost time for Cher to go on stage but she was in her dressing room pacing side by side. She was nervous, scared and worried, of course, the show was the last thing on her mind.

"What if he can't do it? what if something goes wrong? What if he gets injured in practicing the magic? What if the shadows attack the castle and go after him?" She ranted on

Pauly stood up and held her by the shoulders "Stop, you are making me dizzy and more worried than I already was. Cher, Elijah is your son, he can do this. Meryl said he had potential and was as powerful as you. I get that you are his mother and you are scared of something happening but he is going to be ok. Like Elijah said, this will help him feel he fits in somewhere and will improve your relationship with him" Pauly took her hands "You are a Goddess and are invincible, Elijah is your legacy and so is he"  they heard a knock on the door, Dori had called for her to come out "Now stop worrying and go be the Goddess of Pop all of us humans adore" she smiled

"You're right, you always are" she grinned "Thank you" they hugged and Cher went on to do the show.

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