Chapter 7 pt. 1

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I am going to divide this chapter in two parts but they are going in the same direction. This first part is her in the training grounds but not any fight scenes yet. I'm going to combine the fight scene and the meeting with the Queen in the second part. Enjoy!!!

The training grounds were at the back of the castle. Like a big backyard filled with weapons and soldiers sparing with each other. Cher looked around but didn't see Draco, that kind of put her on alert. When they stepped into the grass her presence instantly was known. All the soldiers stared at her for a moment then murmured to each other stunned things like 'she's back', 'oh my Goddess'. All the soldiers stood in front of her and bowed.

"Welcome home" whispered Gypsy in her ear. Cher rolled her eyes.

"Rise" the soldiers obeyed "I just came here to train, there is no need to treat me any different than you do your fellow soldiers" she got use to being Cher for so long, she forgot how it felt to be her true self. To be Warleen The Goddess of war. Cher knew this and she knew that to remind herself of who she was, she needed a good fight.

"Translation: who volunteers to fight Warleen?" Gypsy annouced. All the soldiers turned back or pretended to do something else. Not wanting to fight her.

"You're kidding? This really still happens?" She said more to herself then the others

"Nobody want to be in a fight they know they can't win Warleen" Felix chuckled

"I'll take the challenge!!" A deep voice screamed from the back

"Oh boy" Gypsy sighed, placing her fingers in the bridge of her nose, the others looked confused.

"No way" Cher said astonish, a very tall male fairy was approaching Cher. He was about 20 million years younger than her but still was good looking. He was a fire fairy as well, his armor was blood red just like his eyes. He was strong and muscular, grey hair and chained beard. Cher thought she would never see that creature again after he broke her heart. Yes, that was her first ever love of her life and her weakness in Magix. She had denied her feelings towards him after they broke up many times and as time passed she thought she was over him. Seeing him now, Cher was not so sure.

He stood right in front of her locking their eyes "Hello Warleen" he said

"Finn I wouldn't recommend you against her, specially you" Felix intervened

"Why not? I have trained really hard and waited a long time for this moment" Finn said

"Are you sure you can take me Finny?" She challenged, her eyes turning bright red. She was still angry for what he did to her.

Finn got closer to Cher, their faces only inches apart. He grabbed her by her waist, steam came out of her body from the nerves. After 10 billion years, Finn still had an effect on her that she could not explain. "You still owe me a chat, if I win, we talk" he said

"And when I win, you stay away from me for good this time. Deal" she purred in his ear and freed herself from his hold to walk to Gypsy. The soldiers around them scattered to get a good view of the fight and Finn went to get ready. Georganne, Pauly, Chaz and Elijah didn't know how to react but were intrigued. They were in the corner of the weapons together, Finn didn't take his eyes off her while getting ready.

"Ok Cher what was that all about?" Pauly asked

"Nothing" Cher said blankly grabbing a sword and a shield

Gypsy came to her "You don't have to do this, you will lose"

"I thought you said she never loses" Gee pointed out

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