Chapter 15

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Hey!!! Sorry again for the delay on the chapters but I'm trying to keep up with college and battling writers block lol. Hope you liked it and like the new cover photo Xx.

Meryl was pacing from one side of the room to the other. She had her hands tied now, protect her friend against her own brother was the last thing she thought to ever do. Sure Meryl hated Malek for killing their father but now that she knew why he did it, Meryl couldn't help but feel sorry for him. Maybe he could be saved but it's been so long that she was not sure. She saw everyone around Cher in the lava fountain, her friend needed to gain strength.

"Mary everything's getting out of control, this is not what you initially told us was happening. Witches, you all lie" queen Mariana said irritated

"I know I lied and I'm sorry but when I first suspected that Malek was behind this, I had to think of something to get him alone. He's evil but I believe he can be good again, it's a matter of time" Meryl said

"We don't have time!!! Darko already has everything and all he need is Warleen near the sword but she is too weak. Our job is to protect her, you are her friend and you don't want to put her in danger, do you?" Mariana said

"Of course not but..."

"No buts, if we can keep Warleen hidden and out of Darkos reach long enough for her to recover, we can devise a better battle plan than what we originally thought of. With this new information we can manipulate Malek with your help and defeat them. Come on Mary, this is for the good of our world. I won't tolerate any more lies on your part to us but this could work. You witches are suppose to be manipulative so put that to good use. I am trying to do what is best as a leader to protect my kingdom and all the kingdoms" Queen Mariana stated and walked to check on Cher, Meryl groaned angrily and followed her.

Everyone was trying their best to not show concern and to make Cher feel comfortable. She was drifting on and off from conciousness trying to remember the fight.

"I lost the sword, the rain, it came out of nowhere" said, she tried to sit up but Gypsy stopped her.

"Don't, you mustn't move. You need the rest" she said

"Cher I'm sorry, I feel like this is my fault. Malek is my brother and I should've known he was working with the shadows. I could have tried hadder to stop him but he is still my family, even if he is evil. That made me hesitate" Meryl said getting close to her

"It's not your fault, it's really difficult to fight against family, powers or not" Georganne said

"Gee is right Meryl, I understand you" Cher said then dipped deeper into the lava "Damn the rain was really heavy, it almost killed me but this feels good" she sighed

"Warleen we lost a lot of fire fairy soldiers to the rain" princess Melanie said

Cher sprinted up upward, imagining the worse "Oh no Finn, my father" she said before she groaned in pain

"Draco is fine, he is recovering. Finn is stable but seems like he will heal" Melanie said

"Darko might have everything right now but he still needs you near the sword to power it up. You need to gain your strength so I'm gonna send you and your family back to earth" the queen said, Cher was too weak to complain so she just nodded.

"What if the shadows come after her again on earth?" Elijah asked

"I'm gonna travel to the crystal kingdom and ask for Queen Clarissa's help. She can block the portals so the shadows won't pass through" Mariana said

"What if you need me?" Cher asked

"I will be going back and forth between worlds so whatever happens, they can contact me" Meryl said eyeing Mariana, the queen nodded "With Malek lose, I need to protect my family on earth as well"

"I can go with her your highness, for protection just in case" Gypsy suggested

"Unfortunately not this time Gypsy, with so many soldiers injured I need you here to prepare for the war" Mariana commanded

"Yes my queen" Gypsy said and look apologetically at Cher

"It's ok" Cher said sleepily

"Elijah now that you have your powers, you will be the one to protect your family while your mother recovers" Mariana said

"I will do my best your highnesses, from now on the most important thing to me will be to protect them" he said then smiled at his mother and she smiled back

Princess Melanie stepped forward in front of him and reached out her hands from where appeared a pile of books, she said "Take these fighting techniques books, they will help you prepare for the war while Cher recovers. I believe you can train at home, she wrote them so it will be easy to understand. She can help you too while she rest but tried to not force her" Elijah smiled, took the books, minimize them and placed them in his pocket. The princess smiled at him "Your magic is getting better" she said

"Thank you" he sweetly said, that made the princess blush

"Well I think you all need to go home now, guards please help Warleen out of the fountain" Queen Mariana ordered, two guards got to Cher and carefully helped her to get out of the lava fountain.

"Honey how are you feeling?" Georgia asked trying to get closer to Cher

"Don't get too close mom, you could get burned" Cher panted, leaning to the guards "I'm a little weak but ok"

"Alright you all better get home and to rest" Mariana said

"Everything is going to be ok, I promise. I'm gonna do everything in my power to keep you all safe" Meryl said to them smiling,  Cher smiled back and along with her family she walked through the portal back to earth.

Queen Mariana turned to Meryl "You better stay alert for Malek in both worlds so he doesn't cause anymore trouble?"

"Of course your highness" Meryl said. With that she disappeared to start working. Meryl was having a mental battle with herself, she had to protect her friend. She also had to find a way to help her brother find peace with Mason's loss. Meryl had to be careful because Malek was evil and she didn't know if he could go back to be good again. That worried her, the fate of her friend, earth and the magical world was at stake. 

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