Chapter 4

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Hiii, I had the best weekend ever!!! Saw Cher live in concert on Saturday and I still can't get over it. I hope you like it Xx.

"There is no need to rush it, Draco needs to recover and Darko still doesn't have all the relics. Plus, you have work here as well" Melanie said smiling

Cher sighed "I don't know... I'm not done here but the soldiers in Magix need training. The shadows seem much stronger now" she said "Besides, they are still going to be after me and its not safe either for me or my loved ones here. I don't want those things after my family"

"Why are they after you?" Gee said "I'm sure the soldiers are very capable.."

"I'm connected to the sword and for its magic to work I need to touch it or be near it" Cher explained

"Oh" Gee said

"Here is what we're going to do, I'm going to talk to my mother and arrange a meeting. It will take some time until Darko makes his next move for which all the kindoms are prepared for" Cher tried to speak the Melanie stopped her "You will stay here and do what you do best." She smiled

"Are you sure? Its my duty to fight and protect Magix" she asked

"Its your duty to protect Magix but is also your duty to be fabulous" the princess smiled "Tell you what, Gypsy can stay here to protect you all in case something happens"

"Princess I don't know the first thing about being around humans" Gypsy said

"Just don't use your powers around them and you'll be fine" Melanie aswered "Warleen can help you fit right in"

"Sure, its gonna be fun. Here you don't have to worry about anything, stick with me, Paulette or Georganne and we'll guide you" Cher said

"Alright, I guess I can take the opportunity to spend some time with you too" Gypsy said

"Good, well now that that is settled I'll be off and contact you when I have everything" Melanie started walking to the door when Cher stopped her

"Wait princess!!" She got close and waved her hand secretly popping up a concert ticket for the next night "A thank you present for a fan, see you tomorrow" she winked

Melanie's smile grew bigger "Oh my gosh, this is the best thing ever!!! Thank you" she bowed to her

"No problem" The princess turned around and waved, a portal opened where the door was and she went through it.

Cher turned to her sister and best friends and walked to them "This night has been... interesting. Getting attacked by shadows and you two finding out my deepest secret was definitely not on my bucket list"

"I still can't get over the fact that you are older than us, older than MOM!!!" Gee exclaimed

Cher laughted "Yes I am 72 billion years old don't remind me" she had turned into herself again, putting her guard down.

"Stupid that is insane!!!" Gee said. Cher laughed

"Who you calling stupid, have a little respect" Gypsy defended, Georganne jumped

Cher immediately backed her off "relax Gypsy, I'm not offended. Its a normal thing between us, she's my sister and we call each other that all the time"


"Here you don't need to look out for danger or be disiplined, just relax and have fun. But you have to really blend in if you are going to survive" with that she waved her hand towards Gypsy giving her a human appearence. Light brown hair blending perfect with jeans and a loose blue shirt and sneaker shoes. "There, you look great"

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