Chapter 19

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Ok this took longer than what I imagined. Looks like this chapter will not be the penultimate one and the next one will not be the last. You know what they say, good things come when you least expect it. This is a long one folks!! Xx

Cher was still training with Gypsy and Finn, she was getting tired but didn't want to accept it. She was determined, stubborn and did not seem to want to stop. Finally, she cornered Gypsy and Finn with her sword against their throat. The two were panting from exhaustion.

"Again" Cher said

"Warleen I think we need to rest and conserve energy for tomorrow" Gypsy said

"Darko and his minions won't rest until they bring destruction to everything, let's go again" Cher said

"Mom this isn't like you" Elijah said

"Listen to him Cher" Meryl said

Cher glared at them, her eyes turned blood red and her hair caught on fire from rage. She was unrecognizable and it was scary.

"Ok enough training,Warleen come fly with me" Draco ordered

"Father" she tried to argue

"Now, we will be back in a couple of hours" he growled taking off, she growled back and flew after him.

They flew for about an hour until they reached the top of the highest mountain of the nature kingdom. Cher landed and started pacing from one side to another. Draco landed and roared startling her.

"Geez was that really necessary?" She said

"Ok starlight, tell me what is really going on. You have been training nonstop since you got out of the meeting. I know we have to stop Mal from raising but that is not everything that's going on, is it?" Draco said

"I'm scared, it's going to take all my energy and Elijah's to block the portal's energy and I am going to use all of mine so he doesn't have to. I might not survive it so I'm scared" Cher said

"You vowed to protect this planet at all costs but I can see you are conflicted by your human life. By speaking of your son and the way you reacted when the witch called you by your human name" Draco told her "This is why I didn't want you to stay there, by living among them you have become too attached and by having children even more so"

Cher shot a look at him "Don't you dare say that, I love my children and I love my life on earth. I don't have the same weight of work that I have here. I don't have the same responsibilities or a guard to keep up the whole time" she said

"Then what are you doing here? There are plenty of warriors to fight in this war and even if they end up dead, they sure would be capable of acting without hesitation" Draco grunted

"Are you saying I'm not capable enough? What did you train me for then? Why did the Goddesses make me one of them?" Cher shouted

"Are you capable of fighting and protect those you love? Then show it" Draco said

"I will" Cher said and flew back to the castle. Draco landed a few moments later. She landed on the training ground where everybody was, they looked at her concerned "Start getting everything ready to leave tomorrow. We have a war to win" she said and walked inside to the room she had in the castle.

"What did you say to her?" Gypsy asked

"I just gave her a little encouragement  to help her think about what's to come" Draco said

"You have got to be kidding me" Gypsy said sounding upset and started walking to Cher's direction but was stopped

"Wait, I'll go" Finn said, Gypsy nodded and went inside. The door was open so when he walked in and close the door behind, Finn found her packing her things "I know we have to leave at sunrise but you are allowed to rest" he said in his deep voice which made her jump.

"Finn you scared me" she said

Finn walked forward, took her hand, guided her to the foot of the bed and sat there "Take a big deep breath and calm yourself down" she did as told and relaxed "Don't let your father get into your head. You have all of us worried, I know you are a strong warrior-"

"Am I? Am I really that strong and willing to sacrifice myself to protect everyone I love" she said lowering her head

Finn grabbed her chin and made her look at him "You are an immortal Goddess, you are strong enough to win this and survive it. It's your duty to protect Magix but it's also your duty to believe you can do it. There are a lot of creatures that believe in you. I believe in you. The one that is left to believe is you" he said

"Thank you Finn" She said resting her head on his shoulder

"Always" he answered kissing her head, she looked up at him. They were inches apart, without a words she leaned in to kiss him. Finn kissed her back and pulled her to his lap. They floated to the head of the bed with Cher in the bottom. Clothes were discarded minutes later, they kissed and roamed every inch of their bodies until they reached climax. Later they ended cuddling in each others arms.

Finn looked down at the naked figure is his arms, she was breathtaking. She had her back pressed against his chest. She was staring at nothing, thinking of her fate in battle.

Finn kissed her cheek and whispered "I love you Warleen"

His voice and what he just said brought her out of her thought, she looked up at him and smiled before speaking "I love you too Finny" she said kissing at his lips sweetly

Finn kissed her shoulder and her lips again "Warleen, I know you are going to survive this. You're strong and you will make it" he said

"I know that now, thank you for reminding me" she responded softly

"Warleen I love you and you love me, when all this is over, will you marry me?" He said, Cher was completely taken by surprise with what Finn just said.

At that moment her mind clicked. She loved him but marrying him would mean she would never go back to earth. Her warrior mind was to sacrifice herself thinking she wouldn't return to either world. Now that Cher could survive this, she would have to choose between worlds. Finns proposal was a dream come true but staying would mean leaving her loved ones on earth. If she stayed, she would be Warleen. She wouldn't be Cher ever again. What was she going to answer to that?

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