Chapter 18

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We are getting closer to the end. Only two more chapters and it's all over. It was going to be this one and the final but it didn't turn out that way. I hope you enjoy this one Xx.

Cher, Meryl and Elijah got to the castle and went to look for the queen. Cher transformed into the Goddess like fairy and Meryl turned into her witch outfit. She gave Elijah presentable clothes appropriate to blend in Magix. There was movement all around them and it worried her. In the middle of the hallway they bumped into princess Melanie.

"Hi again, it's been a while" Melanie greeted

"I got here as soon as I got the message from the Queen. What is the status?" Cher asked

"You got here just in time, she is in a meeting right now with the kings and queens of the other kingdoms. You three might want to be in this one, you are key for us to win this war" Melanie told her, they nodded and followed her to the meeting room

When the princess opened the door everyone looked at them. All the kings and queen were surprised to see Warleen again.

"Mother, Warleen, Elijah and Mary are here" Melanie said to her

"Let them in" the queen said so the princess obeyed "Everyone as I was about to tell you, the Goddess of War herself has returned and has agreed to join and lead the war. She has brought her son along to join the fight. He has recently learned about his abilities but has been training hard for the outcome. Finally, after I learned that the shadows were using witchcraft to open the portal, I thought of fighting fire with fire so looked for a witch of our own" she explained "come join us so we can start" they did as told and sat next to her. The kings and queens were awestruck by her presence. Mariana turned to her daughter "That's all Melanie, thank you"

Melanie growled "But mother I want to be in the fight!!" She argued

"I said to you many times no, I know all you want is to fight by Warleens side but I need you to look after the kingdom" the queen retorted

"Mother please!!! It's the Goddess of War AND Pop in the human world!!!" She begged, she was going to say something else but saw Cher stand up and walk to her. The princess felt chills all of a sudden.

Cher stopped in front of her and took her hands. The princess's hair turned pink from the nervousness. Cher chuckled and spoke softly "I have no doubt you are a great and strong warrior. I know you are also smart. So hear this, a strong warrior is good to fight in the war to defend her land. A great warrior AND a great princess and queen-to-be protects and takes care of her people, that means staying and making sure everything is in order for the chance of victory or loss. Right now it is your job to be that princess, do you understand?" 

The princess squeezed Chers hands and smiled at her "I understand" she said nodding and after Cher smiled back she walked out of the room.

Cher returned next to Elijah, he looked at her awestruck, so did Meryl and everyone around her. She blushed starting to get shy.

"Wow mom" Elijah said impressed

"I was doing my job and one of them is to encourage her potential to be the great queen she will be one day and a strong warrior she is going to become" Cher said looking at her son then at the queen who smiled at her gratefully.

"Thank you Warleen" they nodded at each other "Now let's start the meeting. Warleen why don't you start"

"Greetings your majesties" Cher greeted, they all bowed to her as did she "Well we know how Darko are planning to open the portal and why. We cannot let Mal return and destroy the harmony this world has lived in for so long. Unfortunately he has the relics for their energy and the warlock for the spell to open such portal to the underworld. Luckily we have a witch of own, she will read the spell and using my sons magical energy to counteract the mighty swords energy while reading the spell should block Malek's spell for opening the portal to the underworld"

"My soldiers spotted Malek along with some shadows camping on the west side of my kingdom. We didn't want to compromise anyone before the war. It looked like they were moving some of the relics to the location where the portal will open" Edward, the earth king said

"Our soldiers are ready and at your command Goddess" Edna, the earth queen said to Cher

"As is every soldier of every kingdom" Mariana added, all of them agreed "The portal to the underworld is located in the in between so we have to be very careful of the way we approach. It could be very dangerous and it takes a lot of energy if we are caught off guard" she said, Cher sighed

"What is the in between?" Elijah  asked

"The in between is the border of the elements, where hot and cold are separated. It's also where the door of the underworld is located. There is a small piece of land there so it's very dangerous for the fire fairies and they try to avoid it" Cher explains

"We will take that risk to fight by your side Warleen" Felicity, the fire queen spoke

"I am very grateful my queen" Cher said before bowing to her, the queen bowed back "Here is what we're going to do, we must leave at once since there appears to be a lot of movement in the shadows. The wind kingdom is the nearest to the in between so it's best to set camp there tomorrow afternoon. We must assume positions the next day to be ready to retrieve my sword"

"That would be a suicide move, the shadows are clearly going to be waiting for us" Meryl said to her

"You and Elijah will cover me, I need the sword to fight with. Since it will be in position, Malek will be there to say the spell once I get closer and that's where you come in to block it. Please don't argue with me Mary Louise" Cher said, Meryl backed out a bit by the tone in her voice on using her name but was still determined.

"I promised to your mother, sister and best friend that I would keep you safe and doing what you are planning to do is too risky Cher" Meryl argued, the kings and queens were looking at the exchange curiously. Their human lives were a mystery to them so it was strange to hear them speak of it.

"Meryl is right mom" Elijah said

Chers body was heating up "I am Warleen, the Goddess of War and I gave my word to keep Magix safe. That means sacrificing myself if I have to. You signed up for this and you have to follow orders when I give them" she said sounding as serious as possible and turned to the rest of the table "we leave tomorrow at sunrise, we must not let Mal rise and destroy our world. If we do, this maybe won't the only one they're after"

"Yes Goddess" Queen Mariana said, with that Cher rushed out of the room leaving everyone speechless. Meryl and Elijah looked at each other with concern and went after her.

They knew she was going to the training grounds and that's where they found her, sparring with Gypsy and Finn. Draco was watching her movements intently. Meryl told him about what happened in the meeting and he got worried. Cher was going to fight in a real war after so long not knowing if she would return alive. This sparked fear in Meryl because Cher was losing herself by being too focused on what was coming. She was not so sure who her friend was right now. Elijah had the same fear and was afraid that his mother wouldn't return whether she made it out this alive or not.

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